The "Soul Magic Digest"
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Dr. Whitney helps high-achieving women avoid stress, struggle, and burnout by showing them how to ignite the untapped magical force of their ‘Soul-Aligned Power’. Activating this inner magic is the key to getting what you want, when you want, and how you want.
Dr. Whitney shows you how to live your soul’s passion with freedom, fun, and financial abundance by igniting your magical ‘Soul-Aligned Power’.

Desire Greater Fulfillment? Stop “Should”ing On Yourself
Have you noticed that when you think of something as a “should” it feels like a burden? “Should” is the voice of obligation, a burdensome whisper of duties imposed by yourself and society. When you operate on “should,” you’re often following external pressures or...
Is Your Anger Caused By Burnout?
You’re sorry. Truly, you are. You exploded with rage at someone you care about, shredding them to bits until they were in tears. The funny thing is, you can’t even remember what set you off. You just know you were so angry it scared you and left you shaken. Deep in...
Feeling More Irritable? This May Be The Reason
Are you shocked because you just screamed at some poor innocent person who stopped by? Sure, they got on your last nerve. But all they did was ask for something minor. And before you knew it, you were shrieking like a banshee. Even though you’re known for your...
6 Ways To Shake Off Apathy When You’re In Its Grip
Does your life feel like it’s flat-lined? Does it seem like everything you used to be enthusiastic about is now as joyful as a dead fish? Are you wondering what’s going on? And more importantly, how can you rediscover your zest for life and start to feel like...
The Difference Between Depression And Burnout
When you’re depressed, you feel like you’ve lost something but at first you aren’t sure what’s lost. Then one day you realize, what you lost is yourself. People suffering from depression often say they don’t recognize themselves anymore. You remember once feeling...
Your Anxiety Could Be A Sign Of Burnout (Plus A Bonus: Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety)
You wake up with your heart pounding out of your chest. You’re shaky and feel like you’re going to jump out of your skin. Constantly on edge, you can’t settle yourself. You’re a nervous wreck, overwhelmed with all the commitments you’ve made, and the most annoying...
Could Burnout Be The Reason You’ve Lost Your Appetite?
You’re finally out for dinner with friends at the new restaurant everyone’s raving about. They talked you into coming even though you tried to beg off because you haven’t had much of an appetite lately. Besides, you have a million things still to do - as usual. You...