The Benefits Of Having A Coach

Why Get A Coach?

You can expect to:

  • Have a collaborative partner and cheerleader
  • Set goals that feel good 
  • Be motivated to take action
  • Develop clearer, sharper thinking and communication
  • Make better decisions overall
  • Experience an improvement in your self-esteem and confidence
  • Enjoy a better balance in your personal and professional life
  • Make more profit with your business, profession, or career
  • Design a happier and more fulfilling life
  • Be more successful in all parts of your life

*Coaching results depend on your commitment to reach your goals.  As your coach, I will be a pillar of support, helping you to be accountable for the actions we determine will move you forward.

Why Choose Me As Your Coach?

Achieve results above and beyond your expectations, such as:

  • The acceleration of your evolutionary journey
  • Instant, core, and lasting positive change in your life
  • Enjoy more ease in your life by getting to the source of what’s holding you back
  • The transformation of long-standing issues, problems, and challenges to freedom
  • Make peace with the past by removing the effects of intense experiences and emotional disharmony
  • Quickly and effortlessly relieve mental and emotional stress
  • Eliminate non-serving beliefs and habits fast, fully, and permanently
  • Use the minimal amount of energy for maximum effect
  • Accomplish your goals with more ease, energy and flow
  • The energy of freedom flows in your relationships, work, money, family, fitness, and quality of life
  • Experience who you truly are (as who you are NOT dissolves away)
  • Fully embrace authentic joy and self-expression

Working with Whitney made a huge difference.

Before working with Whitney, I struggled for years with burnout and a lack of balance in my life. I was in a constant state of stress and overwhelm, as if I were spinning out of control. I wasn’t sleeping well and frequently experienced anxiety, anger, and irritability, so my relationships at home and work were far from ideal. I also had great difficulty making decisions, and worried often about the unknown and how I might control the outcomes of life situations.

Working with Whitney made a huge difference for me. From day one, she was so easy to talk to and really understood what I was going through. She is kind, compassionate, and a great listener.  

Our coaching sessions helped me realize that I was the one causing my burnout and the only way to turn it around was to start making myself a priority. Whitney showed me how to be more kind and caring to myself and I began to focus on my health and well-being.

Whitney also shared simple, yet powerful tools that helped me shift my mindset and actions. I no longer feel like I’m spinning out of control nor do I waste my time worrying. Instead, I see life from a more positive perspective and have let go of the anger and irritability. As a result of this, the anxiety is just about gone and I now typically sleep through the night.  

Whitney supported me to create more balance in my life, and I now have a wonderful new job. It’s much easier for me to make decisions now, which means I am better equipped to be productive in my personal life and career. I’m also a better wife, daughter, supervisor, and colleague. 

Thank you, Whitney!

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M.S., BCBA, Behavior Analyst

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