Finding Greater Mental Clarity… The Busy Woman’s Way

Do you ever find yourself asking…

What’s the big deal about mental clarity? 

Why would I even want to look for it?

I used to wonder about this myself. Then I looked at all the amazing benefits that come with mental clarity. For example:

  • Decreased mental chatter
  • Increased focus and direction
  • Greater organization
  • Ease in decision-making
  • Increased ability to prioritize
  • More energy

Yes, I did say that mental clarity gives you more energy!

How does it do that?

It allows you to become more aware of:

  1. Who you are.
  2. Why you are here.
  3. Who you are serving.
  4. What you need to be doing. 

What does all this mean for you?

Once you learn how to gain and maintain mental clarity, navigating life becomes easier. Because as you are aware of who you are, why you’re here, and who you choose to serve, you will know what you need to be doing. And although you still need to take action, having clarity allows you to move forward with greater ease. Things just begin to flow into place.

Having mental clarity allows you to move forward through your life with greater ease. Share on X

How to gain and maintain greater mental clarity

Mental clarity can be found through various modalities and daily practices. Today, we’ll address the practice of meditation. Meditation can be described simply as, ‘the act of breathing and observing.’ 

You may already know that a regular daily meditation practice has many benefits:

  • Easing your busy mental chatter
  • Decreasing stress
  • Gaining self-awareness
  • Reducing negative emotions 
  • Finding new perspectives

Yet, you’re probably also thinking that regardless of its benefits, meditation still takes time. And if you’re looking for greater mental clarity but don’t have time for a regular daily meditation practice, you’re not alone.Today’s woman is already juggling multiple pursuits. So, with your full plate and busy schedule, devoting time to meditation may not seem practical. 

As a busy high-achiever, I completely understand that adding yet another thing to your day – even if it does ease mental chatter and create greater clarity – could feel like an inconvenience or stressor. I can also honestly say that I used to struggle with finding the time for a regular daily meditation practice. Then I learned that I could receive all the same benefits from a brief meditation break as well.

How to find mental clarity without a daily meditation practice

It may surprise you when I say that meditation can be more subtle than you think. You don’t need to have a regular daily meditation practice to boost your mindfulness and mental clarity. There are ways to access clarity and self-awareness and receive the benefits of a regular meditation practice in just a few minutes or less with a simple, mini-meditation.

First, I will share how to overcome the major obstacle keeping you from finding greater mental clarity through meditation. Then we’ll look at how you can deepen the practice to receive the most benefits. 

Afterward, I will give tips that helped me adopt the art of mini-meditation and provide you with a free gift to remind you of these simple yet effective practices.

Finding the time to achieve greater clarity

The major obstacle to choosing what to do during our day is a perceived lack of time. With work, appointments, and commitments, even just a few minutes may seem impossible to find within your busy schedule. Here are some ideas for how you can claim the lost moments throughout your hectic day: 

 1. During your commute 

Look forward to red lights and traffic jams, as they can be a reminder to breathe. If your commute consists of buses, trains, or subways, consider yourself lucky to have the opportunity to use these moments to focus on your breath.  

2. Between bites 

You’re already eating lunch, take the time to breathe in between bites.

3. Use commercial breaks 

While you relax and watch your evening program, use the commercial breaks as a time to meditate.

4. While waiting 

When you find yourself waiting in line for the bank, the grocery store, the doctor’s office, or anywhere else, use that time to meditate. 

5. In between tasks 

When you finish a meeting, appointment, or an item from your to-do list, take a moment to breathe and find clarity before starting something new. 

Now that you’ve found a few moments of time, you can make the most of those brief moments and enjoy your mini-meditation.  

How to make the most of your mini-meditation

1. Focus on your breath

Take a deep breath in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Pay attention to the inhale and exhale. What can you smell as you take in the breath? Cooking aromas? Nature? Tune into where the breath is residing in your body.

2. Scan your body 

What can you feel? What is your body touching? Search for tension within your body. If possible, give yourself a light massage to any areas with tension.

3. Observe your thoughts 

Notice the thoughts that are passing through your mind. Try not to label anything good or bad, right or wrong. Reserve your judgment and just notice. 

4. Embrace your feelings 

Acknowledge how you feel right now. Remind yourself that these feelings are only temporary, part of the present moment.

5. Hold a touchstone 

Many religions use beads to count prayers. This might help you with focus as well. If you wear a bracelet, have pocket change, or a charm, try holding the item in the palm of your hand. It will trigger your mind to come back to the present. This is called a touchstone.

Apply this mini-meditation to your daily routine  

If you’re looking to increase mental clarity and mindfulness through meditation but don’t have the time to devote to regular daily practice, I hope these suggestions help you find more peace throughout your day and bring you closer to the mental clarity you desire.

You don’t need to master a daily meditation practice to be a master of your own self-awareness and clarity. Simply consider taking a few moments for yourself in between your commitments. 

Comment below with your favorite way to find clarity through mini-meditation. 

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