Self-Fulfillment, Self-Love
“Authenticity and knowing who you are is fundamental to being an effective and long-standing leader.” – Ann Fudge
The modern day woman inspires.
She’s relentless, driven, and thrives on success.
She’s a powerful leader.
According to the 2020 Women in Business Report by Grant Thornton, women represent 29% percent of North America’s senior management and directors. That’s almost one third of senior leadership positions across North America.
As high-achieving women in these positions, we can be so driven to reach higher levels of success that we lose sight of what we’re sacrificing in the process.
Consider some of the great leaders of our times: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Marie Curie, Eleanor Roosevelt and Oprah Winfrey, to name a few. Leading by example, they’ve paved the way for a genuine management style to emerge. Today’s authentic leaders are mindful, transparent, and honest, drawing others to them like magnets.
A great leader is one who achieves success with significance, making a memorable impact on the lives of others.
Yet, as a high achiever, the drive to persevere and grow can come with sacrifice – your family, your free time, your health. By accessing your inner Self, you can find balance and authentically engage with what’s meaningful to you.
Let’s explore how to strengthen your authentic Self, so you more effectively lead to achieve success with significance…
What are the qualities of an authentic leader?
Strong Values
My previous article Your Core Values: How Do They Align With Your Authentic Self? shared the importance of defining your core values and what can occur when your values conflict. As you realize and live according to your core values, they will authentically integrate with your leadership style.
Say something and follow through. People expect your actions to match your words. They’ll notice your honesty and appreciate it. When people trust you, new opportunities arise.
Envisioning your future can help set a clear picture of who you want to be. Your vision will help you choose and align with your most authentic values. Setting long term goals to pave the way to your future vision will motivate you and those you lead.
Self-Awareness and Vulnerability
Are you able to recognize and acknowledge your mistakes? Self-awareness and vulnerability are two key qualities of an authentic leader. Yet, it’s essential that you regularly assess your values and goals in order to stay true to these characteristics.
Your uniqueness is what sets you apart from others. It’s what makes you stand out as a leader. Maintain your individuality and express it! Your authenticity will position you as a role model to others.
How to evolve your authenticity to improve your leadership:
Hold Strong Values
- Make a list of values that you align with. Choose a few top qualities. If you’re choosing from too many, it will be hard to adhere to them.
- Recognize other leaders and embody the attributes you admire. Think of individuals who have made a difference in your life, or people who stood out in their roles as leaders. Take note of what draws you to them and apply it to your own leadership style.
Regularly Assess
- Contemplate your past experiences and how you feel about them. What would your authentic self have done in those same situations? Maybe you could have taken different actions. Or you might have successes that you haven’t fully acknowledged. Make sure to celebrate those now.
- Take time to reflect at the end of each day. Be mindful of the impact your actions had on you and others. Did these actions truly match your chosen values? If not, your review of each day will help you realign with your authentic self.
As you embody the qualities of an authentic leader, you will possess what it takes to lead without sacrificing yourself. Authenticity is crucial to being a successful leader. Abiding by your values and integrating them into your leadership style will set you apart from others. Take the time to assess your authenticity and discover the powerful leader within.
Want to hear more about how to evolve as a powerful leader? Click here to join the waitlist for the Success Without Sacrifice Experience and to receive additional information.
Being mindful of how you lead will transform you into a truly amazing, authentic leader!
Self-Care, Self-Fulfillment, Self-Love
Core values…
How do you define yours?
An authentic you starts with realizing and aligning with your core values.
Authenticity means to be true to one’s character. It is about sharing your uniqueness with the world and living genuinely.
Presenting yourself authentically, especially in authority positions, can be a challenge at times. If you’re questioning your authenticity the answer can reside in how deeply you’re aligned with your core values.
When you live according to your principles, an authentic YOU emerges.
From time to time, it can be good practice to assess the principles we adhere to. This helps us preclude the challenge of conflicting values.
For instance, you value financial freedom and want to start your own business yet you also value quality time with your family. Starting a business could conflict with spending more time with your family.
Or, you value quality “me” time and desire to be more mindful. However, your favorite way to decompress after a hard day is watching TV or playing Candy Crush. See the conflict?
You value freedom and fulfillment, yet you work so hard to achieve it that you burn out instead. Thus, you never reach your intended goal.
Living authentically starts when you take the time to assess your core values. Only then is it possible to integrate your actions with your values. So what happens when your core values conflict? How do you fully express your authenticity? How do you choose your path?
Start by acknowledging the conflict that arises within…
Symptoms of conflicting core values
When these conflicts occur, you’ll find yourself uncertain as to which direction to take. This can result in paralysis and failure to take any action at all.
It’s difficult to convey your wishes when your values are conflicting. If you’re communicating two opposing desires, the message will be unclear and others are likely to misunderstand.
You’re being pulled in opposing directions and attempting to satisfy more than one outcome simultaneously. The result can be chaos and overwhelm.
Strong Emotions
Your mind becomes a place of anxiety, doubt, stress and overload because you can’t decide which action is most authentic. Your constant questioning can bring up a lot of unfavorable emotions.
The occurrence of any of these symptoms may be the result of conflicting values. Changing the way you look at your ‘conflicting values’ releases associated stress and allows you to gain a more positive outlook. Adapting insight to your core values and how they affect your actions helps you grow into your authentic YOU.
Here are two steps to help you overcome conflicting values…
Step 1: Make sure your values serve you needs
The first step in eliminating internal conflict between opposing values is deciding whether or not any of these values serve you. Take a look at your needs and desires. How does each value benefit you? If you’re not holding onto a value to assist your self-development, it’s probably not one worth keeping. Remember that your values shape your authenticity and an authentic you paves the way for self-growth and inner power. If the value doesn’t reflect that, then it’s not cultivating your authenticity.
Step 2: Change the mindset and let one help the other
Most likely if you have two conflicting values, they are conflicting because you truly want both. Eliminating one may seem impossible.
Step 2 is all about your outlook and transforming your mindset to help one value assist the other. Let’s say you want to save some money. The value of supporting yourself financially is important to you. However you seek this value because you want to buy the things you desire, which creates a conflict between saving and spending.
What if you opened your mind to a different outlook on this ‘conflicting set of values’? These opposing objectives could support each other. You could adjust your budget allowing for both saving and spending simultaneously. Find the balance of planning your financial resources – save some for later while enjoying some now.
When you choose to look at one value as supporting the next, you eliminate the conflict. This change of mindset will free you of stress and self-doubt, because it will allow you to move towards mindfulness and clarity. With a clear mind, you’ll be able to experience more authentic decisions that support growth.
An authentic YOU starts with deep insight into your core values. When you’re feeling any sort of self-doubt, overwhelm, or stress, it might be a sign that your core values are conflicting. Start moving towards your authentic Self by extinguishing this internal conflict. Make sure your values serve your needs, then change your mindset to let these values support your personal growth.
Small shifts in perspective can lead to big changes, allowing your authenticity to be more fully revealed.
Self-Care, Self-Fulfillment, Self-Love
Live Your Legacy and Fulfillment Will Follow
How do you want to be remembered?
You’re a driven woman who has a desire to accomplish a lot in this life — a high achiever. As a high achiever, you want to leave your mark on the world.
Your legacy is your pride and joy.
A legacy represents how you share your gifts with others. It’s the contributions you make during your lifetime. Your legacy is defined by the impact you make on humanity and the world. Yet there’s more to a legacy.
More than leaving your mark on the world, a legacy is about living with purpose. By defining how you want to make your impact, you bring your purpose into being. When you choose to experience your greatest desires, purpose provides an abundance of joy and fulfillment.
Think of how you want to be remembered and the essence you seek to embody in your life and beyond. How will that affect others?
Having both purpose and passion in your life can lead you to your legacy.
For example, a passion for the earth could lead you to start a conservation program in your community. Or a passion for cooking could lead you to pass down a book of recipes to your children. Your legacy will take shape through your passion and purpose.
And although a legacy is about leaving an imprint when you’re gone, it is more importantly about experiencing joy and fulfillment as you choose to live your purpose.
Define Your Legacy
Start to define your legacy by working backwards. Start by imagining your 70-year-old Self and then answer the following questions as if you were your 70-year-old-self.
Where are you?
Did you relocate to the tropics to live on a beach? Or did you stay in your hometown, close to the things and people you are familiar with? A clear picture of where you end up might help you to see your end goal and how to reach it.
Who are you with?
Family, a partner, or maybe on your own. The legacy you pursue will shape the connections you make with others. If you pursue a career that has you traveling throughout the world and you’re comfortable being independent, the legacy you seek will most likely involve solitude at an elderly age. On the other hand, maybe your family is your legacy and you picture yourself surrounded by them at age 70.
Or maybe you’ve become a zoophilist and your legacy has given you the opportunity to remain with the pets you’ve loved and cared for over the years. The companionship you’ve imagined yourself with will help you put in perspective the legacy you want to leave.
What are you doing?
I know women who are still happily working at 70-years-old and those who are joyfully retired. Perhaps you imagine yourself still working in your later years, continuing your passion for as long as possible. Or, perhaps the contrary. At 70 you’d like to be done with work completely, feeling satisfied with your efforts from years of dedication. Either way, think of the activities you’d also like to experience. Almost all of us have a bucket list. Are you taking action towards fulfilling yours?
How are you feeling?
To visualize yourself feeling joy at 70 can be a powerful manifestation. Relate back to my previous article Visualization For Greater Clarity: Aligning with Your True Desires for a deeper understanding of the power of manifestation. Imagine the emotions you desire to experience. Do you feel loved? Powerful? Relaxed? These emotions will remind you of the legacy you’re creating.
Working backwards by imagining your future self is a great exercise to help you define your legacy. Hold onto that image.
Obstacles that might keep you from living your legacy
Lack of focus
You’re not lacking in drive. However, are you focusing your energy in the right areas? Make sure you’re taking care of yourself first, so you keep your energy up. When you keep your energy up and invest it in the right areas, you can feel more fulfillment while moving towards your legacy. Visualizing your legacy will also help you maintain focus as you work towards your goals.
Sometimes life can feel like a race against yourself. Slow down. Take time for yourself. A legacy is about living the life you want to live, thus feeling that sense of fulfillment. That can’t happen if you’re not pausing to take care of yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate the moments of success before moving on to your next project or goal.
Letting others tell you what you “should” be doing
Disconnect from expectations. This is your journey, your life, and your legacy. Avoid the opinions and assumptions of others. Stay true to yourself. Meditation, yoga, reading, or journaling are all great examples of actions you can take to help you stay connected to your true Self.
What’s Your Legacy?
A legacy is about enjoying fulfillment as you move towards your life’s purpose. Keep your end goal in mind. Visualize your 70-year-old self and the above questions: where, who, what and how. They will guide you to find your purpose and live a life that moves you towards your legacy.
If you are seeking a life of fulfillment, take actions towards your legacy today!
Self-Fulfillment, Self-Love
Feeling Unfulfilled? Discover Your True Calling
Do you rush through most days?
Are you driven to succeed and impatient to accomplish each new goal?
Has life become about reaching your next destination, with no regard for the journey?
And at the end of the day, are you depleted and feeling dissatisfied?
As high-achieving women, we typically try to force or effort our way through each day in pursuit of “success.” Yet what is success? When did you last consider your own unique definition? If endeavoring for success is leaving you unfulfilled at the end of the day, it may be time to pause and look at your life.
Start paying attention to what’s missing. How can you experience greater satisfaction? Begin to notice what fills your soul. Start on the journey to discover your calling.
A calling is an inner urge or inspiration to make a unique contribution to others. Once you understand your calling, you can tap into your passion and discover your purpose in life. Recognizing your true calling gives your life greater fulfillment and a more clear path to follow.
Here are two simple actions you can take to interpret your true calling.
#1 – Cultivate Your Awareness
When you cultivate your awareness, you are nurturing your ability to be more aware. Notice your surroundings and your habits. What keeps drawing you in? What is it that you keep returning to? Don’t think about what your calling could be. Instead, pay attention to the things that maintain your interest and give you joy. Your awareness will point you in the direction of your calling.
- Conversations and human engagement
- When you connect with friends and family, what topics do you like to discuss? What subjects get you excited and engage you in deep conversation? The passion you have for these subjects is a clue.
- Books
- What you choose to read most likely speaks to your soul in some way. Notice what you enjoy reading. Maybe it’s a certain novel genre, an inspirational blog, or humorous comic strip. Whatever it is you keep picking up to read, it is telling you something about yourself.
- Social Media
- Are there posts that continuously appear on your feed? Pay attention to them and follow those pages, accounts, or podcasts that resonate with you. Digging deeper and engaging with them may open new doors to possibilities you haven’t yet considered.
- TV
- Is there a program that you never miss? Acknowledge the shows that entertain you and maintain your interest. They can indicate something about your calling.
#2 – Explore Your Awareness
Now that you’ve begun to notice what keeps showing up and what sparks joy in your life, take the time to explore how you feel.
Notice these patterns and how you feel about them. Your journey to discovering your true calling has begun. Here are some questions to evoke greater clarity on your awareness…
3 Questions to evoke greater clarity
- What about this subject brings you joy?
A subject that keeps drawing you in is giving you joy in some way. Whether it’s personal development, creative expression or a heartening tale, notice what you like about it. It might be something that’s missing from your current career and that might lead to a change in your perspective. For instance, if your career is leaving you unfulfilled, you could put your focus on a hobby or charitable cause that brings you joy.
2. What about it inspires you?
Inspiration can come from anywhere. Perhaps a person’s actions or an influential event. Notice whether the subject you’re engaging with is giving you inspiration. An unfulfilling career is most likely lacking in inspiration. See if you can use the inspiration you gain from this awareness and apply it to your work. For example, if you are inspired by a philanthropic cause, consider taking the initiative to propose a new company charitable program that you can oversee.
3. What immediate action can you take to feel this way all the time?
Engage with whatever comes into your awareness that inspires you and participate in other similar actions. For instance, your awareness may reveal a new hobby. By scheduling an hour in your week to pursue this, you’ll also have more balance in your life. The more experiences you have with what resonates with you, the more clarity you’ll gain. In time, you’ll find yourself on a path leading you towards your true calling.
Follow up with actions to live your awareness more deeply in your life…
- Journal
- Write down the thoughts and feelings that are coming into your awareness. This will help you explore them.
- Set new goals
- Set these new goals as they relate back to the subjects you’re becoming more aware of.
- Create a vision board
- Create a board to visualize your passions. Seeing these goals on a board will help you manifest your goals into reality.
As you engage with what inspires you, determine how these things could bring more fulfillment to your days.
Discover greater fulfillment by recognizing your true calling. Engage with the things you experience regularly. Avoid expending energy on thinking about what would fulfill you and instead, cultivate your awareness of what shows up in your life. If you’re looking for more direction and wondering the best way to feel greater fulfillment quickly and easily, I recommend my upcoming online Success Without Sacrifice Experience.
The promise of this online event is for you to Master Your Energy, Get More Done In Less Time and Make Your Massive Impact In The World.
Make sure to click here now to register for this 3-day online event.
November 12th-14th (Friday – Sunday)
Join me for this dynamic and engaging 3-day event to:
- Break free from the addiction to achievement and accomplishment to experience true fulfillment
- Learn how to listen to your body, so you stop overriding and start honoring yourself (this is the key to not burning out)
- Get pragmatic tools to shift your self-talk from negative to positive, so you increase your confidence and energy
- Discover the mindset shifts you need to stop pushing and efforting, so you get more done in less time with greater ease
- Tap into your inner power, passion, and purpose to uplevel your leadership and impact (personally and professionally)
Click here now to register for Success without Sacrifice Experience.
Find your true calling and live a life of fulfillment!
Self-Fulfillment, Self-Love
A Spiritual Practice: How It Can Rebalance Your Life
I had reached a breaking point.
I felt numb and depleted – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I was disconnected… from myself, from others, and from the Universe.
I had burned out.
All this stemmed from my efforts to have my first telesummit be a huge success. So, I abandoned caring for my mind, body, and soul, in order to achieve this “success.” And I forgot to have fun and experience joy along the way.
It took this burnout reoccurrence for me to recognize my old destructive patterns. It was NOT pretty. (And as it goes to show… even a self-care expert like me can crash and burn when ignoring my foundation.)
A spiritual journey wants us to be present to the experience of moving forward. During the planning for my telesummit, I wasn’t present to my soul’s needs or my body’s needs. I was only present to my desire to succeed, thinking that this would bring the experience of fulfillment… but my soul yearned for more.
As I felt the desire to be connected again – with myself and the Divine – a spiritual reawakening took place.
I became aware that I needed to completely realign my body and soul, so I re-engaged with my spiritual practice to get my life back in balance.
For me, it took a mini-implosion to rebalance my life.
It doesn’t have to be the same for you!
Rebalance your mind, body, and soul by engaging with your spiritual practice.
What is a Spiritual Practice?
A spiritual practice can be one or more specific activities you do to connect with yourself, the divine, and the world around you. The practices are usually exercises, processes, or rituals that work best when done with consistency, and they will set the tone for how you greet life. They are what guide you on your path as you move towards your life vision. A spiritual practice could include activities like meditation, journaling, yoga, creative writing, drawing, or a breathing exercise. An effective spiritual practice can shift your mindset and change your approach to life.
As you begin rebalancing through spiritual practice you’ll begin to notice how it assists your well-being…
6 Benefits of Having a Spiritual Practice
Connection with values
The actions that make up a spiritual practice begin with a mindset that is based on your deepest values. As you consistently engage in your practice, you’ll be reminded of how you want to walk, talk, and show up in the world. This, in turn, will prompt your awareness of the values that are most important to you.
As you find a spiritual connection to something greater than yourself, you will begin to experience the true meaning of your life. As you seek answers and rebalance your life, the enlightening discoveries you make can bring greater happiness and joy. These unfolding experiences will also be accompanied by feelings of deep gratitude.
Heal Your Body and Mind
Spiritual healing comes in many ways. It can come through self-healing or be channeled by a spiritual healer. Self-healing can be achieved through visualization, meditation, or prayer. Reiki healing, Pranic healing, and Quantum healing are other examples of spiritual healing practices. These practices can strengthen your physical and mental health through the shifting and rebalancing of the energy in your body, mind, and spirit.
Achieve Even Greater Success
Having a consistent spiritual practice can be a great way to achieve higher levels of success with more ease. This can be a benefit of finding an aligned, purposeful life doing what you’re most passionate about. Your spiritual practice will accelerate your journey to find your purpose, rebalance your priorities, and align yourself with success.
Experience Greater Freedom
Having a consistent spiritual practice will help shift your mindset from unwanted negativity, self-doubt, and anguish to positivity, confidence, and joy. By putting your focus on more important things, you are less likely to waste time efforting over what’s trivial. Instead, you’ll be more aware of how to create what you truly desire with greater ease.
Lead a Fulfilling Life
Experiencing greater ease is just one amazing gift you will receive through your spiritual practice. You will rebalance and find it easier to let go of struggle and embrace flow, so your path guides you towards a more fulfilling life.
The benefits of spiritual practice will take shape as you begin to focus on your journey. If you’re not sure where to begin, start by taking some small steps…
Finding the Right Spiritual Practice For You
>>> Ask questions
Maybe you’re here to make a big impact in the world or in someone’s life. Whether your purpose is large or small, it’s up to you how you choose to live it.
- How do I want to show up in the world?
Think back to your values. This is how you treat others and connect with the world. The energy you put out will be the energy you receive.
- Is this the experience I want for my life?
Fast forward to age 90. You’ve lived the life you desire. Journal about it. When you look at the things you’re doing now, what might need to shift in order for you to actually have that life you imagined.
>>> Connect with your answers
You can continue on the path you’ve chosen or maybe you need to make some changes. Evaluate your life based on the questions you’ve just answered and decide if you need to realign with your spirituality to rebalance your life.
Once you’ve made your decision, do it! When you take actions designed to bring you happiness and joy, you will eventually embody that. So choose the way you want to live your life and then act on your choices.
Spirituality will give you a healthy, well-rounded, balanced life. Before I re-engaged my spiritual practice, I reached a breaking point. That doesn’t have to happen to you. As you focus on your spiritual practice, what seemed important before, may become insignificant. The forgotten and unappreciated may shift to a place of relevance. As you take the time to align with your spirituality, you’ll be more aware of how to rebalance your priorities with ease and discover a more meaningful life.
If you sense you’re on a collision course, like I was, or you’re wondering how to start your rebalance, find answers at my Success Without Sacrifice Experience.
The promise of this free online event is for you to Master Your Energy, Get More Done In Less Time and Make Your Massive Impact In The World.
Make sure to click here now to register for this FREE 3-day online event.
November 12th-14th (Friday – Sunday)
Join me for this dynamic and engaging 3-day event to:
- Break free from the addiction to achievement and accomplishment to experience true fulfillment
- Learn how to listen to your body, so you stop overriding and start honoring yourself (this is the key to not burning out)
- Get pragmatic tools to shift your self-talk from negative to positive, so you increase your confidence and energy
- Discover the mindset shifts you need to stop pushing and efforting, so you get more done in less time with greater ease
- Tap into your inner power, passion, and purpose to uplevel your leadership and impact (personally and professionally)
Click here now to register for Success without Sacrifice Experience.
Self-Fulfillment, Self-Love
Time to Rebalance? 6 Ways to Rediscover and Take Action On What’s Important to You
It might be your garden or your children.
Perhaps spending time with good friends.
Maybe it’s an early morning walk or meditation.
Or a date night with your significant other.
What fills your soul with joy?
More importantly, are you making the time for it?
We all have commitments that require a great deal of time and energy. As high-achieving women, we tend to work hard on what we believe will bring us profit and success. Yet this drive is also a powerful force that can take us away from other, more meaningful experiences, potentially creating an imbalance in life.
Balance is an important element to consider as you move through your day. It calibrates your energy and enhances aspects of life, such as: health, work performance, relationships, and personal growth. Even when you have a pressing goal that keeps you working round the clock, it’s still essential to make time for balance. So, look at what you may have relinquished in the past because you just didn’t have the time.
We can all benefit by embracing activities that hold more meaning for us. There’s much more to life than accomplishing the most immediate goals on your plate. For example, experiencing a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. When you make the time to focus on and prioritize what you may previously have set aside, you discover renewed joy and a balance that allows you to thrive.
How will you know what a balanced life looks like? Consider the following elements…
A Balanced Life Includes:
Staying active is important, not only for your physical health, but for your mental health as well. Health and fitness help with brain activity, making you feel more alert, focused and present. It also helps regulate hormones that manage mood swings and help you sleep, two important factors that promote wellbeing in all areas of life.
Having faith or a spiritual practice can give you a sense of purpose. Identifying your beliefs can positively shape your values and priorities, which can lead to more focused and conscious actions.
Sharing quality time and communicating with loved ones promotes deeper feelings of trust. This can help you make more powerful choices and grow into the person you’re meant to become.
If you’ve ever experienced the burden of financial stress, you know it can suffocate your well-being. Getting your finances in order will release that stressor and allow you to focus on more positive things.
Much like family, friends will help you grow. A good mix of friends and family is an awesome support system that will help you achieve and maintain balance.
Consider your most meaningful accomplishments when yearning for a balanced life. To achieve your heart’s desire is an amazing feeling! Celebrating these moments provides the inspiration that carries you forward on your life’s path. This serves as positive reinforcement of how far you’ve come on your journey!
Embrace playfulness! Fun can balance stress and worry. Bring out the child within – have fun, laugh, and experience greater joy!
Personal Growth
As you grow you learn, and as you learn you grow. Without personal growth, you can not conceive the wisdom that brings balance to your mind and soul.
Take a moment to reflect on these 8 elements.
Are you sacrificing one for another? If so, consider how that impacts you.
You can regain harmony and improve your overall wellbeing as you achieve a life of balance.
6 Ways To Rediscover and Take Action on What’s Important
1. Commit to a daily intention
Think about which areas you desire to put more attention towards. Shift your focus to what’s more meaningful. Speaking this new intention into existence daily will help you commit to what’s truly important.
2. Focus on progress, not perfection
Perfection is an illusion. Through my spiritual journey, I have learned that we are perfectly imperfect beings. And that is perfect! When we can accept that – and stop striving for perfection – we will have the time and energy to devote toward more meaningful experiences.
3. Notice how you spend your free time
No judgment. Simply ask yourself if your activities are taking you in the direction of your life’s vision. Once you evaluate the use of your free time, you may choose to change your habits to those that promote a more balanced lifestyle.
4. Say “No”
It can be a virtue to be helpful, but not when it’s at your own expense. You need not please or appease others. It is healthier to respectfully say “No” than to feel resentment (toward yourself and others) and exhaustion.
5. Schedule alone time
Enjoying “me-time” reconnects you with your feelings and enables you to organize your priorities. This gives you greater internal power and the freedom to address the 8 personal elements mentioned above.
6. Declutter
Out with the old and in with the new! Apply this concept to all areas of your life. If the amount of time and effort is greater than the return, release it to make space for what adds more value to your life .
Rebalance your life by rediscovering and taking action on what’s most important to you. Uplevel your wellbeing by devoting time and energy on what will feed your spirit. Reconnect with what you love – your family, your garden, your Saturday bike rides, or your evening meditation. When you realign with your passions you’ll find a greater balance within, satisfying the essential aspects of your Self.
When you rebalance your life by reconnecting with your passion, you experience greater fulfillment, freedom, and joy!
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