Spaciousness: Your Antidote To Tension

Why do high-achieving women, like you, experience tension?

How can you counteract this strain on your body?

Believe it or not, you already have everything you need to set yourself free.

First, let’s look at tension and why it occurs. Tension arises when you experience mental or emotional pressure, which can come from external and internal sources. For example, if you work in a high-stress job, you may feel intense pressure to achieve. This can be external pressure from management or internal pressure from yourself…or both. 

As a high-achieving woman, you may have a tendency to put internal pressure on yourself to be perfect, to do better, to be better, thus bringing about tension that can lead to mental and even physical strain. A mind impacted by pressure can lose clarity. 

As tension builds in your mind, it starts to reside in your body. Muscles tense up when the body is under stress, which is how our body guards against injury. Tense shoulders, sore backs, and tight hips can all be signs of the mental strain you’re carrying. Excessive tension build-up can also trigger unhealthy emotions. 

Releasing tension from your body can also release it from the mind and return you to a place of ease. An excellent way to accomplish this is by creating spaciousness through movement. This can dissolve the pressure causing tension in the body and mind. It can also liberate unhealthy emotions that were stored in a physical form in the body. As well, the breath you use during movement creates air and space within the body. 

Releasing tension from your body can also release it from the mind and return you to a place of ease. Click To Tweet

Therefore, creating spaciousness in the body releases unhealthy tension and unburdens your mind. Yet it’s also good practice to get in touch with where you hold tension in your body, so you can become aware of it before it begins to speak so loudly that it stops you in your tracks. Let’s start with a body scan.

Body scan

Take a moment to pause each day. Allow yourself to breathe and be still while you scan your body, starting either at the bottom or the top. 

Begin by mindfully directing your attention to your toes or the top of your head. Notice how it feels. Then go to the next part of your body and do the same. As you move through the scanning process you may find tension is stored in certain areas, such as your shoulder or hips. You may notice your jaw clenches or your feet are sore. 

Your body is a guide to how you’re feeling. By scanning your body daily, you’ll learn how it stores tension, which can be helpful in preventing and releasing future physical and emotional distress. 


There are endless ways to move your body to create spaciousness. Any movement that brings you joy can also create internal space. 

Walk in nature

The energy of nature can remove you from life stressors. The sound of birds and running water, the feeling of fresh air on your skin, and the beauty of lush green forests and sparkling blue seas, distracts your senses and calms your mind.


Yoga focuses on the body moving in tune with the breath. This is an especially powerful type of movement because with each breath we create space. Pairing movement with breath can be very helpful for releasing tension and inviting spaciousness. 


Dancing can be a fun way to get your body moving and to feel spacious and free. The best thing about dancing is that you can do it anywhere. Play tunes in your spare time or while you do chores and let the music get you moving. 

When you’re not up for movement


Put on your favorite comedy show for a good laugh. Laughter releases hormones that counteract stress and release tension. A joyful laugh is one of the simplest ways to bring spaciousness into your mind and body. 


Create spaciousness in your body by calming your mind with a touchstone. A touchstone is an object that represents a desire and enables you to embody it. It can be prayer beads, a rosary, a gemstone, or anything that has meaning for you. Envisioning or physically holding a touchstone, while being mindful of your breath, can help your body relax and release tension.

The outcome

Mindful movement of your body and your breath produces hormones that reduce stress and releases old stored energy from tensions or unhealthy emotions. Encouraging the movement of your breath, inhaling and exhaling, allows new energy to flow through the body and releases tension. At first, this might feel unfamiliar, because the stuck energy was part of you for some time. However, once it’s gone, you’ll begin to feel the spaciousness you’ve created and the new and lighter energy within.

For more support with releasing the tension from unhealthy emotions and relationships that no longer serve you, click here to claim your complimentary Self-Reflection Guide: The Art Of Letting Go. Discover additional ways that spaciousness can accelerate your freedom, flow, and fulfillment. 

This free gift will help provide:

  • A release from harmful emotions
  • Liberation from unhealthy relationships
  • Reduction of stress
  • Increased spaciousness
  • Greater joy

Start with a body scan, invite in movement (or its alternatives), and immerse yourself in spaciousness!

Get More From Life: Focus On Receiving

Would you like more from life?

More love? 

More joy? 

More inspiration? 

More abundance? 

You can receive everything that you want in life. How does this work? 

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy, including you. This means that energy is constantly flowing to and through you. So, you have an innate and unlimited capacity to receive. 

However, it’s possible for life experiences or messages from your past to create a kink in your hose of energy flow. You might have learned not to get up your hopes and expect good things, because you’ve been let down previously. Or you were taught that you don’t deserve to receive something unless you have earned it or you need it as the result of an illness. Therefore, you can become limited in your potential to receive. 

But, you have the ability to unkink your hose and access all that the Universe has to offer. With practice, you can learn how to get out of your own way and receive like a pro. 

Here are 5 practices for expanding your power to receive:

Accept compliments

When someone offers you a compliment, make sure to respond with “Thank you.” Do not deflect the compliment by trivializing whatever was complimented. Also, there is no need to return a compliment at that moment.

Make gratitude a habit

Each time you get a gift or a compliment, focus on receiving it fully with the deepest appreciation. Then speak your sincere appreciation aloud to the giver, so they also feel your gratitude. 

Practice receiving

If you want to expand your ability to receive, you must practice. Start by focusing on being present in the moment and noticing what you receive each day. This could be a smile from a stranger or a compliment from a colleague. See if you are able to receive without giving back. 

Ask for what you want

My mother taught me that if I don’t ask, I won’t get. Most people won’t be able to read your mind and know what you want or need. Of course, that means it’s important for you to know what you want or need. 

Stretch beyond your comfort zone

The level at which you are able to receive can reveal any limitations you may have around deserving. Invite yourself to stay open to receiving good things. You are worthy of receiving all that you need and desire.

When you are able to open up and receive more, life becomes more fulfilling and enjoyable than you could imagine. The key to immersing yourself in the practice of receiving is to know that you are worthy of having it all. 

The key to immersing yourself in the practice of receiving is to know that you are worthy of having it all. Click To Tweet

This means having a healthy, loving relationship with your Self. Click here to claim your complimentary tip sheet: 10 Ways To Love Yourself. When you love yourself deeply, you can receive fully. 

This tip sheet will:

  • Help you identify areas where you can have more self-compassion
  • Encourage self-advocacy
  • Remind you of your self-worth
  • Support a shift in your mindset

So, start receiving more of life today.

The Promise of Patience – Part I: Bring Ease To Your Endeavors

Do you feel pressure to get things done quickly? 

When you push yourself harder to reach your goal, is your wellbeing negatively impacted?

Is this also sacrificing your highest vision of success?

As a high-achieving woman aiming to conquer extraordinary goals, time can often feel like your greatest obstacle. Even when there is no externally established deadline, you may feel a self-imposed sense of urgency for immediate results. 

In my previous article ‘What Is Success Without Sacrifice? Plus, How You Can Have It’, I spoke about how true success comes without sacrifice, from goals that are aligned with your authentic Self and add greater purpose and meaning to your life.

Yet a goal that presents during your spiritual journey is most likely no small feat. These types of endeavors may take longer to come to fruition than we desire. A Type-A woman typically wants results fast, which can, at times, conflict with the pace of Divine right timing. If your spirit is calling you to pursue something, patience is key to receiving the results of this goal with greater ease. 

Patience encourages you to be flexible, whether or not things go as planned. When obstacles arise, patience invites you to adjust your plans with ease. As you continue on your spiritual journey, you’ll notice that the methods used for developing patience are similar to the consistent practices used to embody a more spiritual mindset. 

Let patience guide your journey to reach your goal with ease. Click To Tweet

Here are some practices you can use to receive the benefits of patience and move closer to your goal:

Invite spaciousness

Gift yourself relief from unnecessary timelines and pressure that can build frustration. When you give yourself a break from efforting and pushing to move forward, things work out in Divine right timing to serve your highest good.  

Welcome your journey to success

Without patience, you may make decisions or take actions that short-circuit the highest vision of your goal. Patience is a tool that encourages acceptance and faith that your goal will manifest even better than you could have imagined. 

Bring enjoyment to the process

Each step can be more enjoyable when you can let go of your emphasis on its urgency and adopt a more playful and relaxed mindset that is not restricted by timelines. Obstacles that occur will feel more like interesting challenges rather than frustrating roadblocks. 

Pause before acting

Fight or flight is ingrained in our DNA and it’s natural to want to respond quickly when obstacles occur. However, when danger isn’t present, we can allow ourselves time to react. If you’re feeling frustrated with the outcome and unsure about what to do next, take a pause before responding. This time allows you to think more clearly, process the situation, and glean the message that’s being shared. You may notice a shift in your feelings about the “obstacle” and even receive ideas for how to proceed toward your goal with greater ease.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal can help you identify any inner reasons for why you’re facing external resistance to achieving your goal. By writing down your thoughts at the end of each day or week, you’ll be better able to identify the source of this resistance and more aware of the shifts that need to be made for you to reach your goal with patience and ease.

Learn meditative practices

If you’re feeling unnecessary pressure or frustration, it could be caused by a rigid timeline or an unyielding sense of urgency for the desired outcome. This can create constant worry or fretting. Meditation can clear those thoughts from your mind and allow you to cope in the present. 

Learning how to use your breath mindfully is a meditative practice that can help resolve impatience. A simple breath can help you detach from your thoughts and focus on the moment. Plus, applying your breath to moving mindfully will assist you in reaching a more meditative state because your mind will be focusing on your body’s movement. 

When you consistently work on these practices, you’ll notice greater ease and flow in reaching your goal with more patience. For more tips to clear your mind from the pressure of impatience, click here and claim your FREE Tip Sheet: Practical Advice for Greater Clarity & Presence. 

Use this gift and:

    • Receive simple daily habits for greater clarity.
    • Access useful self-awareness tools.
    • Discover easy techniques for mini-meditation. 
    • Experience greater mindfulness.

Befriend Divine right timing. Let patience guide your journey to reach your goal with ease.

Feeling Unfulfilled? Discover Your True Calling

Feeling Unfulfilled? Discover Your True Calling      

Do you rush through most days? 

Are you driven to succeed and impatient to accomplish each new goal?

Has life become about reaching your next destination, with no regard for the journey?

And at the end of the day, are you depleted and feeling dissatisfied? 

As high-achieving women, we typically try to force or effort our way through each day in pursuit of “success.” Yet what is success? When did you last consider your own unique definition? If endeavoring for success is leaving you unfulfilled at the end of the day, it may be time to pause and look at your life.

Start paying attention to what’s missing. How can you experience greater satisfaction? Begin to notice what fills your soul. Start on the journey to discover your calling.

A calling is an inner urge or inspiration to make a unique contribution to others. Once you understand your calling, you can tap into your passion and discover your purpose in life. Recognizing your true calling gives your life greater fulfillment and a more clear path to follow. 

Recognizing your true calling gives your life greater fulfillment and a more clear path to follow. Click To Tweet

Here are two simple actions you can take to interpret your true calling. 

#1 – Cultivate Your Awareness

When you cultivate your awareness, you are nurturing your ability to be more aware. Notice your surroundings and your habits. What keeps drawing you in? What is it that you keep returning to? Don’t think about what your calling could be. Instead, pay attention to the things that maintain your interest and give you joy. Your awareness will point you in the direction of your calling. 


  • Conversations and human engagement
    • When you connect with friends and family, what topics do you like to discuss? What subjects get you excited and engage you in deep conversation? The passion you have for these subjects is a clue. 
  • Books
    • What you choose to read most likely speaks to your soul in some way. Notice what you enjoy reading. Maybe it’s a certain novel genre, an inspirational blog, or humorous comic strip. Whatever it is you keep picking up to read, it is telling you something about yourself.  
  • Social Media
    • Are there posts that continuously appear on your feed? Pay attention to them and follow those pages, accounts, or podcasts that resonate with you. Digging deeper and engaging with them may open new doors to possibilities you haven’t yet considered. 
  • TV
    • Is there a program that you never miss? Acknowledge the shows that entertain you and maintain your interest. They can indicate something about your calling. 

#2 – Explore Your Awareness

Now that you’ve begun to notice what keeps showing up and what sparks joy in your life, take the time to explore how you feel. 

Notice these patterns and how you feel about them. Your journey to discovering your true calling has begun. Here are some questions to evoke greater clarity on your awareness…

3 Questions to evoke greater clarity

  1. What about this subject brings you joy?

A subject that keeps drawing you in is giving you joy in some way. Whether it’s personal development, creative expression or a heartening tale, notice what you like about it. It might be something that’s missing from your current career and that might lead to a change in your perspective. For instance, if your career is leaving you unfulfilled, you could put your focus on a hobby or charitable cause that brings you joy. 

2. What about it inspires you?

Inspiration can come from anywhere. Perhaps a person’s actions or an influential event. Notice whether the subject you’re engaging with is giving you inspiration. An unfulfilling career is most likely lacking in inspiration. See if you can use the inspiration you gain from this awareness and apply it to your work. For example, if you are inspired by a philanthropic cause, consider taking the initiative to propose a new company charitable program that you can oversee.     

3. What immediate action can you take to feel this way all the time?

Engage with whatever comes into your awareness that inspires you and participate in other similar actions. For instance, your awareness may reveal a new hobby. By scheduling an hour in your week to pursue this, you’ll also have more balance in your life. The more experiences you have with what resonates with you, the more clarity you’ll gain. In time, you’ll find yourself on a path leading you towards your true calling. 

Follow up with actions to live your awareness more deeply in your life… 

  • Journal
    • Write down the thoughts and feelings that are coming into your awareness. This will help you explore them.  
  • Set new goals
    • Set these new goals as they relate back to the subjects you’re becoming more aware of. 
  • Create a vision board
    • Create a board to visualize your passions. Seeing these goals on a board will help you manifest your goals into reality.

As you engage with what inspires you, determine how these things could bring more fulfillment to your days. 

Discover greater fulfillment by recognizing your true calling. Engage with the things you experience regularly. Avoid expending energy on thinking about what would fulfill you  and instead, cultivate your awareness of what shows up in your life. If you’re looking for more direction and wondering the best way to feel greater fulfillment quickly and easily, I recommend my upcoming online Success Without Sacrifice Experience. 

The promise of this online event is for you to Master Your Energy, Get More Done In Less Time and Make Your Massive Impact In The World.

Make sure to click here now to register for this 3-day online event.

November 12th-14th (Friday – Sunday)

Join me for this dynamic and engaging 3-day event to:

  • Break free from the addiction to achievement and accomplishment to experience true fulfillment
  • Learn how to listen to your body, so you stop overriding and start honoring yourself (this is the key to not burning out)
  • Get pragmatic tools to shift your self-talk from negative to positive, so you increase your confidence and energy
  • Discover the mindset shifts you need to stop pushing and efforting, so you get more done in less time with greater ease
  • Tap into your inner power, passion, and purpose to uplevel your leadership and impact (personally and professionally)

Click here now to register for Success without Sacrifice Experience.

Find your true calling and live a life of fulfillment!

A Spiritual Practice: How It Can Rebalance Your Life

A Spiritual Practice: How It Can Rebalance Your Life

I had reached a breaking point.

I felt numb and depleted – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I was disconnected… from myself, from others, and from the Universe.

I had burned out.

All this stemmed from my efforts to have my first telesummit be a huge success. So, I abandoned caring for my mind, body, and soul, in order to achieve this “success.” And I forgot to have fun and experience joy along the way.

It took this burnout reoccurrence for me to recognize my old destructive patterns. It was NOT pretty. (And as it goes to show… even a self-care expert like me can crash and burn when ignoring my foundation.)

A spiritual journey wants us to be present to the experience of moving forward. During the planning for my telesummit, I wasn’t present to my soul’s needs or my body’s needs. I was only present to my desire to succeed, thinking that this would bring the experience of fulfillment… but my soul yearned for more.

As I felt the desire to be connected again – with myself and the Divine – a spiritual reawakening took place. 

I became aware that I needed to completely realign my body and soul, so I re-engaged with my spiritual practice to get my life back in balance.

For me, it took a mini-implosion to rebalance my life. 

It doesn’t have to be the same for you!

Rebalance your mind, body, and soul by engaging with your spiritual practice. 

Rebalance your mind, body, and soul by engaging with your spiritual practice. Click To Tweet

What is a Spiritual Practice?

A spiritual practice can be one or more specific activities you do to connect with yourself, the divine, and the world around you. The practices are usually exercises, processes, or rituals that work best when done with consistency, and they will set the tone for how you greet life. They are what guide you on your path as you move towards your life vision. A spiritual practice could include activities like meditation, journaling, yoga, creative writing, drawing, or a breathing exercise. An effective spiritual practice can shift your mindset and change your approach to life. 

As you begin rebalancing through spiritual practice you’ll begin to notice how it assists your well-being… 

6 Benefits of Having a Spiritual Practice

Connection with values

The actions that make up a spiritual practice begin with a mindset that is based on your deepest values. As you consistently engage in your practice, you’ll be reminded of how you want to walk, talk, and show up in the world. This, in turn, will prompt your awareness of the values that are most important to you. 


As you find a spiritual connection to something greater than yourself, you will begin to experience the true meaning of your life. As you seek answers and rebalance your life, the enlightening discoveries you make can bring greater happiness and joy. These unfolding experiences will also be accompanied by feelings of deep gratitude. 

Heal Your Body and Mind

Spiritual healing comes in many ways. It can come through self-healing or be channeled by a spiritual healer. Self-healing can be achieved through visualization, meditation, or prayer. Reiki healing, Pranic healing, and Quantum healing are other examples of spiritual healing practices. These practices can strengthen your physical and mental health through the shifting and rebalancing of the energy in your body, mind, and spirit.   

Achieve Even Greater Success

Having a consistent spiritual practice can be a great way to achieve higher levels of success with more ease. This can be a benefit of finding an aligned, purposeful life doing what you’re most passionate about. Your spiritual practice will accelerate your journey to find your purpose, rebalance your priorities, and align yourself with success. 

Experience Greater Freedom

Having a consistent spiritual practice will help shift your mindset from unwanted negativity, self-doubt, and anguish to positivity, confidence, and joy. By putting your focus on more important things, you are less likely to waste time efforting over what’s trivial. Instead, you’ll be more aware of how to create what you truly desire with greater ease. 

Lead a Fulfilling Life

Experiencing greater ease is just one amazing gift you will receive through your spiritual practice. You will rebalance and find it easier to let go of struggle and embrace flow, so your path guides you towards a more fulfilling life. 

The benefits of spiritual practice will take shape as you begin to focus on your journey. If you’re not sure where to begin, start by taking some small steps…

Finding the Right Spiritual Practice For You

>>> Ask questions

  • Why am I here?

Maybe you’re here to make a big impact in the world or in someone’s life. Whether your purpose is large or small, it’s up to you how you choose to live it.

  • How do I want to show up in the world?

Think back to your values. This is how you treat others and connect with the world. The energy you put out will be the energy you receive. 

  • Is this the experience I want for my life?

Fast forward to age 90. You’ve lived the life you desire. Journal about it. When you look at the things you’re doing now, what might need to shift in order for you to actually have that life you imagined. 

>>> Connect with your answers 

  • Make a decision

You can continue on the path you’ve chosen or maybe you need to make some changes. Evaluate your life based on the questions you’ve just answered and decide if you need to realign with your spirituality to rebalance your life.

  • Take physical action

Once you’ve made your decision, do it! When you take actions designed to bring you happiness and joy, you will eventually embody that. So choose the way you want to live your life and then act on your choices. 

Spirituality will give you a healthy, well-rounded, balanced life. Before I re-engaged my spiritual practice, I reached a breaking point. That doesn’t have to happen to you. As you focus on your spiritual practice, what seemed important before, may become insignificant. The forgotten and unappreciated may shift to a place of relevance. As you take the time to align with your spirituality, you’ll be more aware of how to rebalance your priorities with ease and discover a more meaningful life.

If you sense you’re on a collision course, like I was, or you’re wondering how to start your rebalance, find answers at my Success Without Sacrifice Experience. 

The promise of this free online event is for you to Master Your Energy, Get More Done In Less Time and Make Your Massive Impact In The World.

Make sure to click here now to register for this FREE 3-day online event.

November 12th-14th (Friday – Sunday)

Join me for this dynamic and engaging 3-day event to:

  • Break free from the addiction to achievement and accomplishment to experience true fulfillment
  • Learn how to listen to your body, so you stop overriding and start honoring yourself (this is the key to not burning out)
  • Get pragmatic tools to shift your self-talk from negative to positive, so you increase your confidence and energy
  • Discover the mindset shifts you need to stop pushing and efforting, so you get more done in less time with greater ease
  • Tap into your inner power, passion, and purpose to uplevel your leadership and impact (personally and professionally)

Click here now to register for Success without Sacrifice Experience.


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