Reinvent Yourself: New Season, New You 

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

Many times we perceive change as an obstacle to overcome, and we resist it. Yet this is what makes change stressful, because what we resist tends to persist. Instead, when we can view change as an opportunity and embrace it, we find that it creates more ease and gives us something to look forward to.    

Since reinventing yourself is a type of change, your mindset will influence whether it feels like a struggle or enjoyable. 

In my previous article, you identified a stirring within and recognized a restlessness nudging you towards a life change. 

And now a golden opportunity has presented itself — the seasons have changed. Autumn has arrived! 

Although I now live in Florida, I’m originally from New York state. So I love the natural changes autumn presents: a visual evolution of the leaves’ colors, tactile depth as we pull on sweaters and jackets, a sense of nesting as we spend more time indoors. 

As the air begins to chill and the seasons change, it’s natural to feel inspired to transform your Self as well. Let the new season be your catalyst for change.

Reinvention allows you to refocus your direction and make the changes your soul desires. 

I suggest you read 5 Signs That May Indicate It’s Time To Reinvent Yourself and claim your free gift of tools designed to get you started. Then you can take the first step toward embracing who you truly are.

Now that you’ve decided to step into change, what’s NEXT?

As the air begins to chill and the seasons change, it’s natural to feel inspired to transform your Self as well. Let the new season be your catalyst for change. Share on X

New season, New You – Reinvention can:

1. Focus your mind

When you work on something new, your mind becomes more attentive to this purpose. Reinvention will compel you to focus on the changes needed to accomplish the desired outcome. 

2. Increase joyfulness

You make changes to feel more fulfilled. Increased joyfulness follows this greater sense of fulfillment, as you work towards a new version of your Self. 

3. Alter your direction

When you have clear aspirations and goals, discovering how to reach them is key. A reinvention will help you find the best path to get there. 


Though you’re already successful and thriving, you can still benefit from a reinvention. 

To get started on your journey of reinvention, first answer some questions that will give you a better idea of how you want to change. They will guide you to align with your most authentic self.

Questions To Ask Yourself

What are the biggest changes you want to see?

There can be many elements about yourself that you want to reinvent. From your appearance to your circumstances and most importantly your inner values. The first step for reinvention is identifying where you want to see change. As you identify the change you want, make sure you think about your options. Evaluate them all before making a decision. Common reinventions are reflected through: a career change, a new relationship, change of location, or even internal re-wiring to create your new persona with new values. Allow yourself to be creative and envision the changes that could transform you. 

Why do you want to make these changes?

Come back to your core values and question your reasons behind this change. Are you making this change for yourself? Will this change move you closer to your ultimate goal? Think about your values before taking action and making the change. They will align you in the right direction for this transformation. 

How do you feel about making these changes?

This question may stir up some emotion. Once you recognize your emotions, you can begin to understand and accept them. Maybe you’re hesitant to make a change because you think it might not turn out the way you imagine it? Or perhaps you are confusing nervousness with excitement? Determine whether you’re concerned about the outcome, and consider how you might shift your mindset to excitement to attain the transformation you desire. Eliminate the outside dialog of others. Look within and ask yourself how this will make YOU feel, not how others will feel.  

How can you make these changes?

You may not necessarily be thinking of the small steps you can take. Start by researching and asking questions about the groundwork that’s involved before you move forward with your reinvention. 

When can you start?

There can be some hesitation before starting your reinvention. I encourage you to start as soon as you have the groundwork in place. Reinvention is about developing the change you want to see, and it starts with a single action step. 

Now that you have the answers to begin your reinvention journey…

Here are 5 tips to help you get started:

1. Don’t follow the rules

Embrace your individuality. You don’t have to abide by typical conventions—isn’t that the point? Time to bend the rules and expand beyond barriers. Create practices that compliment your new style.

2. Make new connections

Your friends and colleagues can either be a negative influence or a great source of wisdom. Choose carefully who you surround yourself with. The most supportive connections can lead to new ideas and opportunities that bode well with your reinvention. 

3. Listen to trusted confidantes

Ask their opinions and take the time to reflect on their thoughts. You can learn a lot about yourself from other people’s perspectives. 

4. Sit quietly with yourself

Notice your thoughts and emotions during your quiet alone time. You’ll get a better sense of who you are when you allow yourself time to just be

5. Appreciate

Show your gratitude! Gratitude for your past self, future self, and the changes you’re embracing. When you truly feel gratitude, you experience a greater overall sense of positivity, which is an incentive for change. This expanded positivity encourages your journey of reinvention, and allows you a sense of being in the right place at the right time. Show gratitude to those around you as well. Your reinvention will be a more positive experience if the people around you feel appreciated. 

In this new season, create a more evolved version of yourself with a reinvention. No matter how big or small the transformation, it can spark joy back into your life.

Remember that change is inevitable, and embracing reinvention can transform your life. 

Comment below the biggest changes you want to see in your life!

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