Are you aware of your true passion? Or are you still seeking a greater purpose that will spark your joy and a deeper sense of fulfillment?

Believe it or not, your highest potential is already within you just waiting to be activated. Self-realization is a simple, yet profound journey that involves uncovering your true self to reveal what’s been there all along. 

However, if you’re an accomplished woman, you may be trapped in a perpetual cycle of becoming. What I’m referring to is the unending quest to become more—prosperous, successful, fulfilled, etc. I’ll acknowledge that this pursuit might initially appear to be advantageous. However, over time it can propagate dissatisfaction by hindering the self-awareness and inner growth that’s essential for your genuine happiness. 

I’m extremely cognizant of how easy it can be to get caught up in the frantic pace of becoming. The notion of simply being contradicts most societal norms. Yet, being is the key to unlocking your inner untapped potential and enjoying freedom through greater balance, purpose, and meaning.

You can absolutely break free from the chains of perpetual becoming and embrace the practice of being. When you choose to do this, you take an essential step towards self-realization and the awareness of your true self, replete with your innate potential.


The Concept of “Being”

Historical Perspectives

The concept of “being” is deeply rooted in ancient religious and philosophical traditions, each of which offers their own individual path to understanding existence and the self. For instance, in Buddhism, the concept of “being” opens the path to enlightenment. The Buddha taught that understanding your true nature of existence and self is crucial in the journey to Nirvana.

Similarly, Hindu philosophy states that the essence of being is explored through the concept of the inner self or soul. The realization of one’s inner self being one with the ultimate reality or world soul is central to attaining liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

In ancient Greek philosophy, Socrates’ famous maxim, “Know thyself,” emphasizes the fundamental role of self-awareness and self-realization in understanding life and existence. His student Plato also contemplated the forms and the nature of existence beyond the physical world.

The inquiry into the nature of “being” stands as a central metaphysical pillar for understanding life, the world, and the self. The universal human yearning for wisdom and enlightenment can be attained through the journey of self-realization.

The Modern Adaptation

In modern society, the ancient concept of “being” is integrated into mindfulness and self-awareness practices, which presents numerous avenues of exploration for understanding existence and consciousness. The emphasis of these practices is on centering yourself in the present so you can move beyond a habitual yearning to become something else; and instead, nurture your innate essence to thrive. 

Mindfulness practices encourage you to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and sensations in the present moment, reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. Practices such as yoga and meditation, which derive from ancient Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, promote both physical and mental wellness. Journaling, breathing exercises, and walks in nature, also ground you in the present moment. 

Emphasis on the connection between mind, body, and spirit cultivates balance and inner peace, accelerating true self-awareness and personal enlightenment. Therefore, the age-old exploration of “being” continues in modern times, offering paths for deeper understanding, mental and emotional balance, and self-realization.


The Dangers of Perpetual Becoming

The Cycle of Dissatisfaction: Always Wanting More

With perpetual becoming, there is the persistence of dissatisfaction. This relentless yearning for more—success, material wealth, validation—fuels discontent and anxiety, ensnaring one in a never-ending loop of insufficiency.

A Comparative Monologue: Feeling Unworthy

Amidst the rush to achieve, there’s the danger of slipping into comparative monologues, measuring your value against external yardsticks and feeling perpetually unworthy. This undermines self-esteem and self-acceptance, further exacerbating the disconnect from your true self.


Embracing the Power of Being

The Joy of the Present

With techniques like mindfulness and meditation, you can anchor yourself in the joy of the present. You truly embrace the power of being by immersing yourself fully in the now. When you apply these techniques to everyday life, you foster a deep sense of connection with the present moment and increased self-realization. 

Harness Your Potential

Adopting the mindset of being, rather than becoming, positively impacts all facets of life—from relationships and careers to overall well-being. When all else is stripped away, you reveal the authentic self and see your potential with greater clarity, unburdened by societal expectations or external pressures. Don’t shy away from the true version of yourself. Harness it with audacity and reap the rewards of greater meaning, fulfillment, and joy in your life. 


Throughout history, the concept of unbecoming to reveal one’s true ‘being’ has been advocated as a profound approach to understanding the potential within. Through self-realization, you can unearth your true purpose and discover your highest potential.

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