Aligned Relationships: A Gift To Yourself

You may be wondering, “What do you mean by an aligned relationship?

Another term that I use for an aligned relationship is alliance. Both describe an association, a connection, a bond with people who are supportive of your journey. You have shared values, similar visions, common goals, or benevolent desires for each other. 

There are many gifts you receive from aligned relationships, including the following…

You feel valued and supported. 

You’re understood.

You experience a sense of ease.

An aligned relationship can exist with a friend, an associate, or a romantic partner. It’s been shown that connecting with others is essential to one’s well-being, just like proper rest, a healthy diet, and physical movement. Aligned relationships nourish you with  support and caring, bringing greater joy to your life.

If you currently feel stuck in any relationships that aren’t ideal, continue reading for tips on how to shift your circumstances. 

As you define who you are – your values and your needs – making aligned connections with others will come more naturally.   

As you define who you are - your values and your needs - making aligned connections with others will come more naturally. Share on X

Step 1: Strengthen your relationship with yourself


Set aside time to celebrate and reward yourself. Self-care may sometimes mean saying no to others. If you feel stretched too thin, make sure to recharge before giving your time and energy to another. Practicing self-care will help you rejuvenate and give you time to rediscover what brings you joy. 

Inner reflection 

In my previous article, Live In Authentic Alignment With These 2 Simple Steps, I spoke about uncovering your core values to live in authentic alignment. Your core values reflect what’s most important to you in life. Keeping a journal or practicing meditation are great ways to help you uncover your core values. This type of inner reflection is essential for healthier connections with others.


When you’re grateful for what you have, you attract more to be grateful for. This includes aligned relationships. Each morning or at night before bed, acknowledge aloud at least one thing you’re grateful for. This practice helps you clarify what matters most and what brings you joy.

Step 2: Make aligned connections with others

Community connections

Getting involved in a community project or class is a great way to find other individuals whose goals and concerns align with yours. When you have common interests that you both value, relationships align naturally and with ease.  

Work relationships

Making connections at work can help you develop and discover aligned relationships. The positive thing about nurturing work associations is that it’s common to have similar visions or goals. When your paths are aligned, you’re better able to motivate and support each other. 

Personal relationships

Are your personal relationships truly in alignment with who you are? If it’s a challenge for you to maintain quality friendships or romantic partners, this may be a good question to ponder. Personal relationships aren’t necessarily bound through mutual interests or goals, so achieving healthy, aligned relationships often depend on your awareness of the values that are most meaningful to you. 

Ideal relationships are those that align with your authentic self. Before connecting with others, foster your understanding of your values and needs. 

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