What feelings arise when someone is inconsiderate of you?

Anger, frustration, resentment, hurt, unworthiness… It’s valid to feel these emotions, yet how do they impact your well-being?

Unhealthy emotions sap your energy, affecting your focus and drive. As a busy high-achieving woman, you can’t afford to let disagreements get the better of you. Yet you’re also human, so it may be difficult to ignore the pain that can accompany a seemingly unjustified action. You may repeatedly replay the situation in your mind, stirring up even more disturbing thoughts, which can result in emotional exhaustion. 

So, how can you relinquish these energy-draining thoughts and emotions?

When someone’s actions hurt you, you only debilitate yourself further by holding on to pain and anger. Practicing forgiveness can help relieve recurring negative thoughts and unhealthy emotions. Forgiveness is a choice, a conscious and deliberate decision to release feelings of anger and resentment. To forgive doesn’t necessarily mean to forget, it means to accept and surrender the emotional charge experienced from the situation.

When you choose forgiveness, rather than holding on to the past, your mind stays open to the positive possibilities of what could happen in the future. By forgiving, you reclaim your power and effectiveness. 

When you choose forgiveness, rather than holding on to the past, your mind stays open to the positive possibilities of what could happen in the future. Share on X

If you’re struggling to let go of unhealthy emotions triggered by another person’s actions, here are some ways to help you forgive others and reclaim your power. 


 3 Strategies for reclaiming your power when you feel hurt 


Shift your perspective

When a person’s actions feel designed to deliberately offend you or just don’t make sense, it can help to put yourself in their shoes. Although their act presented itself as harmful to you, it may have been a difficult, but necessary, decision for them. When you are able to shift your perspective, it can make it easier to understand where the other person is coming from. 


Look for the positive lesson

When you reflect on your feelings about another’s action, you may learn something about yourself that can be applied to future relationships. One of the best ways to learn in life is through experience. The learning may be around how you reacted or it may be an awareness of boundaries that you wish to set for yourself and your relationships. Whatever the case, by consciously looking for a positive lesson, you support your future self.   


Trust the Divine 

Divine timing means that when you’re connected and in alignment with the universe, things will happen at the moment destined. You may have heard the saying, “Everything happens for a reason”. This adage empowers acceptance that what can seem negative now may eventually lead to a positive outcome. In my previous article, The Art of Receiving: Spiritual Connection, I talk about how to strengthen your connection with the universe. By practicing spirituality and accepting the concept of universal intelligence, you expand your perception of divine timing. Then moments of frustration can appear less bothersome and you’ll be able to forgive more easily. 

Don’t let another’s actions impact your focus and drive. Release any resentment and unhealthy emotions and reclaim your power. Practice forgiveness today for a more joyful tomorrow.

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