Revive Childhood Joy: 4 Ways To Play As An Adult

When you hear the word ‘play’, do you only think of fond memories from your childhood?

Has it been a while since you’ve laughed so passionately that your belly hurt, lost yourself completely in a creative pastime, or gathered for a recreational event with friends? 

As a high-powered woman, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasures of play that filled your childhood with joy and wonder. With the demands of adulthood–your career, family responsibilities, and societal pressures–it might feel impossible, or even irresponsible, to make time for recreational activities. 

However, rekindling the joy of play is not only possible but immensely beneficial for your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. And, it’s important to keep in mind that play is not merely reserved for the young; it is a fundamental need that rejuvenates your mind, fosters creativity, and strengthens social bonds. So, it’s essential to incorporate play into your routine and to ensure that, even with the busiest of schedules, you find moments to experience the delight of play.

So, what exactly constitutes play? It’s any activity you engage in for pure enjoyment and recreation, rather than for serious or practical purposes. For a modern woman, play can take many forms, ranging from sports and games to artistic pursuits and hobbies. The key is to identify what brings you joy and make time for it, despite the demands of a busy schedule. 

You can tap into a wellspring of joy and creativity through the act of play. Whether it’s revisiting childhood activities or discovering new passions, I encourage you to revive the spirit of fun and infuse your life with different types of play. Here are some ways to bring back the sense of playful delight into your adult life.

4 Ways To Play As An Adult

Physical Play

Combine play and fitness by choosing activities that are both fun and physically engaging. Try activities like dancing, rock climbing, or playing a sport. This way, you’re not only getting the benefits of exercise but also enjoying yourself in the process. Engaging in physical play is vital for maintaining health and well-being. It boosts cardiovascular health, increases strength and endurance, and improves coordination. Physical play also releases endorphins, which reduce stress and enhance mood, leading to better mental health. In addition, these activities also provide opportunities for social interaction and teamwork, fostering a sense of community and belonging. 

Creative Play

Allow yourself to be silly, imaginative, and free. Don’t be afraid to engage in activities you enjoyed as a child, such as drawing, building with LEGO, or playing catch. These activities can reignite the spark of creativity and joy that often gets buried under adult responsibilities. Writing, drawing, crafting, or even storytelling can be fantastic ways to play. Creative play not only provides joy, it also helps you express yourself and explore new ideas. The benefits of creative play are numerous: it can improve cognitive function, enhance problem-solving skills, and foster innovation, which can contribute to professional success and personal satisfaction. Creative play can also be therapeutic, providing a constructive outlet for emotions and offering a means to relax and escape from daily stresses. 

Social Play

Social play is incredibly fulfilling. Organize game nights with friends, or join a sports team, social clubs, meetups, or other community events. Engaging in playful activities with others can strengthen relationships and create lasting memories. These activities also build and maintain social connections, which are essential for emotional well-being. Social play helps develop communication skills, promote teamwork, and create a sense of camaraderie. It also offers a break from routine, allowing individuals to unwind and have fun in a social setting. By participating in social play, you expand your social network and enjoy a sense of community and support. Plus, the laughter and camaraderie that come with group play are unparalleled.

Mental Play

Mental play includes puzzles, board games, and learning new skills or subjects. These activities challenge the brain, improving memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities. Keeping the mind sharp is particularly beneficial as we age, helping to prevent cognitive decline. Additionally, mental play offers a sense of accomplishment and can be a highly satisfying way to spend leisure time. Plus, engaging in mental play provides a balanced approach to relaxation and mental stimulation, contributing to overall mental health and well-being.

Rediscovering play can have profound benefits for adults. It reduces stress, enhances creativity, improves problem-solving skills, and boosts overall happiness. Play also fosters stronger social connections and can even improve your physical health by promoting an active lifestyle. By weaving play into the fabric of your everyday life, you achieve a more joyful existence.

Start by setting aside dedicated time each day or week specifically for play, and take steps to ensure that it continues to be a regular part of your schedule. This intentionality helps prioritize joy and relaxation, counteracting the pressures of daily responsibilities. You can also integrate playful elements into your routine tasks, such as turning mundane activities into games or challenges to make them more enjoyable and engaging. 

You can revive the pleasure of play and experience the myriad of benefits it offers. Remember, play is not just for children – it’s a vital part of a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling life at any age. So go ahead, embrace your inner child, and let the fun begin!

As a Success Without Sacrifice Specialist, I help high-achieving women lead a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life while experiencing even greater professional success. Want to know what this could look like for you? Click here now and use the comment box to request a complimentary Discovery Session. My FREEDOM Formula protocol is designed to align you with your magical journey of flow, joy, ease, and play.

The Choice Between Fear And Freedom: Can It Be That Simple?

F.E.A.R…. False Evidence Appearing Real. 

I stumbled across this acronym for fear roughly 25 years ago, and my life hasn’t been the same since. Before that, I let fear paralyze me and prevent me from pursuing my dreams. Because fear is a powerful emotion, it stopped me from making decisions that aligned with my true desires. 

As a rule, about 80-percent of people are primarily driven by fear. However, even though fear often feels real and insurmountable, much of what is feared is an illusion, a product of the mind rather than a reflection of reality. And, once I understood the nature of this illusion and learned to see through it, I was empowered to live more freely and fully. 

So, why do you feel fear? 

Fear is an emotional response to a perceived threat. Rooted in your evolutionary past, fear helped your ancestors avoid physical dangers. However, in modern life, fear often arises from psychological rather than physical threats. In this case, when you allow fear to dictate your actions, it can limit your potential and prevent you from living your best life.

Fear can prevent you from taking risks, exploring new opportunities, or even recognizing your true desires. It’s the voice that whispers doubts, magnifies uncertainties, and keeps you firmly rooted in your comfort zone. 

But, here’s the good news… 

On the other side of fear lies freedom, where possibilities are limitless and self-fulfillment is waiting to be embraced. You can move from a state of paralysis to one of empowerment, where your potential is no longer hindered by imagined limitations. 

Many experiences encountered in life can be defined by fear or freedom. When you take action to understand and confront fear, the door to freedom will unlock. Freedom is a state of mind that empowers you to live authentically and pursue your passions. It involves recognizing and embracing your fears and moving beyond them to a place where they no longer control your decisions and actions. Mental freedom allows for personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of happiness on your own terms.

By identifying the fears that hold you back and learning strategies to overcome them, you can begin to redefine your boundaries and reshape your life according to your aspirations. Understanding how fear operates and learning to tame it can unlock the door to a life rich with possibilities.

5 Common Fears 

    • Fear of Failure: The belief that failing will lead to catastrophic outcomes, when in reality, failure is often a valuable learning experience.
    • Fear of Success: The notion that success leads to increased responsibilities, higher expectations, and changes in relationships. Yet, success actually provides the wherewithal for greater support. 
    • Fear of Rejection: The assumption that being rejected by others will leave you isolated, even though rejection is a common and manageable part of life.
    • Fear of the Unknown: The discomfort with uncertainty, despite the fact that the unknown can bring opportunities and growth.
    • Fear of Change: The resistance to stepping out of your comfort zone, even when change is necessary for progress and fulfillment.

Understanding the nature of fear and its manifestations is important for addressing its impacts on various facets of life. By recognizing these fears, you can begin to confront and dismantle them, paving the way for a more liberated and fulfilling existence.

Hidden Risks Behind the Illusion of Safety

Fear often masquerades as a desire for safety and comfort, creating an illusion that staying within your comfort zone is the safest choice. This protective instinct can lead to a paradox where the quest for security through avoidance poses significant risks to your personal growth and overall well-being. 

The avoidance of challenges, new experiences, and potential failures can inadvertently limit your opportunities and stifle your development. 

    • In your career: fear might keep you in an unfulfilling job, scared to take risks or change paths. This might provide short-term stability but prevent you from discovering your true passions and potential. 
    • In your relationships: fear can create walls that hinder intimacy and authentic connections. Avoiding social situations out of fear of rejection might shield you from immediate discomfort but also deprive you of meaningful connections and experiences that enrich your life. 
    • On a personal level: living with constant fear can lead to chronic stress and anxiety, affecting your overall well-being. Fear can also halt self-discovery and the pursuit of passions. This avoidance behavior, while seemingly safe, traps you in a cycle of mediocrity and unfulfillment. It prevents you from taking the necessary risks that lead to personal and professional breakthroughs.

The illusion of safety becomes a barrier to living authentically and fully. Through the understanding that true safety and freedom come not from avoidance but from the courage to confront and overcome your fears, you can be liberated from the confines of stagnation and lead a richer, more empowered life.

7 Strategies to Overcome the Illusion of Fear

#1. Acknowledge Your Fears

Self-Reflection: Identify and understand your fears. Acknowledge that they are part of the human experience.

Write Them Down: Putting your fears on paper can help you see them more clearly and objectively.

#2. Challenge the Illusions

Question Your Thoughts: Analyze the validity of your fearful thoughts. Ask yourself if they are based on facts or assumptions.

Seek Evidence: Look for evidence that contradicts your fears. Often, you’ll find that the reality is less daunting than the fear itself.

#3. Reframe Your Perspective

Focus on Possibilities: Shift your focus from what could go wrong to what could go right. Consider the potential positive outcomes of taking action.

Embrace Failure as Learning: View failure as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than as a final verdict on your abilities.

#4. Take Incremental Steps

Start Small: Begin with small, manageable steps to confront your fears. Gradual exposure builds confidence and reduces anxiety.

Set Achievable Goals: Break down large goals into smaller tasks. Celebrate each small victory to build momentum.

#5. Build Resilience

Develop a Growth Mindset: Embrace the belief that you can grow and improve through effort and experience.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that everyone experiences fear and setbacks.

#6. Seek Support

Find a Mentor or Coach: A mentor or coach can provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

Join Supportive Communities: Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. Sharing experiences can be empowering.

#7. Use Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce anxiety.

Deep Breathing: Use deep breathing exercises to calm your mind and body when you feel fear creeping in.

4 Ways to Embrace Freedom from Fear

1. Pursue Your Passions

Follow Your Dreams: Don’t let fear keep you from pursuing what you love.

Take Risks: Embrace the uncertainty and take calculated risks.

2. Live Authentically

Be True to Yourself: Live in alignment with your values and beliefs.

Express Yourself: Fully share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

3. Embrace Change and Uncertainty

Adaptability: View change as an opportunity for growth.

Explore the Unknown: Step out of your comfort zone regularly.

4. Make Empowered Choices

Take Control: Recognize that you have the power to shape your destiny.

Live Proactively: Take proactive steps toward your goals rather than reacting to circumstances out of fear.

You can find freedom from the shackles of fear using the strategies above. 

Are you ready to let go of your fears and embrace freedom? Join me for a private Discovery Call to uncover what this might look like for you.

A reminder that F.E.A.R. offers the following choices:

  1. Forget Everything And Run
  2. Face Everything And Rise

Which do you choose?

The choice to Face Everything and Rise is the choice for freedom. 

I specialize in practices that can accelerate your access to freedom. My Freedom Formula protocol provides lasting change through the quick and effective release of fear. To learn more, click here now and use the comment box to request a complimentary Discovery Session. I look forward to partnering with you on your transformative journey from fear to freedom.

Finding Your Freedom: A Holistic Approach To Success

Would you like the freedom to be, live, and create what YOU want and how YOU want it? 

Freedom and success are two concepts that are deeply intertwined, each enhancing and sustaining the other. Success in your career or financial endeavors often provides the resources and flexibility to make more autonomous choices—aka freedom. And when you have the freedom to manage your time, resources, and relationships effectively, you are better positioned to seize opportunities—aka success.

Freedom is a deeply personal concept that varies from individual to individual and encompasses more than just the absence of constraints. The highest form of freedom involves the ability to live in alignment with your values, passions, and desires, and it can only be found by knowing what you truly want. So, finding your freedom requires radical honesty, commitment, and the courage to peel away the layers and get to the core of who you are. 

While success is often viewed through the lens of achievements and material gains, a more holistic view of success includes personal growth, satisfaction, and well-being. And true success encompasses a sense of freedom that allows you to live authentically and purposefully. 

At the moment, I’m reading 10x Is Easier than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. This mind-expanding book highlights a comprehensive framework for understanding how freedom leads to increased success. Dan Sullivan’s Four Freedoms—Time, Money, Relationship, and Purpose—are essential pillars for achieving a life of genuine success. As you prioritize these freedoms, you can create a balanced, prosperous, fulfilling, and sustainable path to success. 

Using the 4 Pillars of Freedom for Success


#1) Freedom of Time: Mastering Your Schedule

Time is one of our most valuable resources, and how we manage it plays a crucial role in our overall success.

Prioritize Your Activities: Focus on high-impact tasks that align with your long-term goals. Practice differentiating between what is urgent and what is important.

Delegate and Outsource: Recognize that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegating tasks to others not only frees up your time but also allows you to focus on your strengths.

Create Routines: Establishing daily and weekly routines can help you manage your time more effectively. Incorporate habits that boost productivity and well-being.

#2) Freedom of Money: Achieving Financial Independence

Financial freedom is about having the resources to make choices without being constrained by monetary limitations.

Create Multiple Income Streams: Diversify your income sources to reduce financial risk and increase stability. This could include investments, side businesses, or passive income opportunities.

Live Within Your Means: Develop a budget that reflects your income and expenses. Prioritize saving and investing to build a financial cushion.

Invest Wisely: Educate yourself about different investment options and create a strategy that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

#3) Freedom of Relationship: Building Supportive Networks

The quality of your relationships significantly impacts your personal and professional life. Surrounding yourself with the right people can propel you toward success.

Network Strategically: Build connections with individuals who share your values and can provide support, mentorship, and opportunities.

Foster Positive Relationships: Invest time and energy in relationships that uplift and inspire you. Practice active listening, empathy, and open communication.

Set Boundaries: Protect your time and energy by setting boundaries with people who drain or distract you from your goals.

#4) Freedom of Purpose: Aligning with Your True Calling

Having a clear sense of purpose gives your life direction and meaning, driving you toward your version of success.

Identify Your Passions: Reflect on activities and causes that ignite your enthusiasm and curiosity. Consider how you can incorporate these passions into your daily life and career.

Set Meaningful Goals: Establish goals that resonate with your core values and long-term vision. Make sure these goals challenge you and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Stay True to Yourself: Avoid the trap of pursuing success as defined by others. Focus on what genuinely fulfills you and aligns with your purpose.


Practical Steps to Harmonize Freedom and Success

Set Holistic Goals: Ensure that your goals encompass both professional achievements and personal fulfillment and well-being. Consider how each goal contributes to your overall sense of freedom.

Balance Work and Life: Strive for a balance that allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Schedule time for leisure, family, and self-care to maintain your overall health and happiness.

Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress and the interplay between your success and freedom. Be willing to adjust your strategies to maintain harmony between these two elements.

Invest in Personal Growth: Continuous learning and personal development enhance both your capabilities and your sense of freedom. Invest in new skills, knowledge, and personal evolution practices that align with your goals and passions.

This holistic approach is designed to unlock a version of success that not only meets conventional standards but also resonates deeply with your authentic self, providing a true sense of freedom and fulfillment. 

In my practice, I use metaphysical techniques like Accelerated Evolution (AE) that promise continuous evolution and a natural movement toward that which brings more flow into your life. With this in mind, I designed The FREEDOM Formula. This protocol empowers you to embrace The Way Of Ease And Flow, allowing what’s unimportant to fall away so you experience greater freedom and success. 

Are you ready to experience greater freedom and success? Join me for a private Discovery Call to uncover what this might look like for you.

The metaphysical Law of Freedom states that you’re accountable for all your thoughts, actions, and energy patterns that are continually produced in both the physical and the spiritual world. Metaphysical freedom is the quality of being without restraint, limitation, or repression. It’s having the power to choose what will bring you complete well-being. 

If this is something you want to explore, click here now and use the comment box to request a complimentary Discovery Session. I look forward to partnering with you on your path of freedom and success.

The Art of Non-Attachment: 5 Rituals That Foster Liberation

Picture this… 

You’re deeply attached to something—perhaps, a material possession, a person, or an outcome—and the thought of losing it or never having it fills your heart with fear. Yet, the more tightly you hold on, the heavier the burden of attachment becomes. It’s a weight that pulls you down, draining your energy and depriving you of the limitless possibilities that could be yours. 

In a world where attachment often leads to suffering, embracing non-attachment can bring about a profound sense of liberation. Non-attachment doesn’t mean abandoning relationships or possessions; instead, it involves cultivating a mindset of letting go and embracing impermanence. Understanding that everything in life is transient can help you embrace non-attachment and a path of liberation. From relationships to material possessions, nothing lasts forever.

Spiritual teachings from around the world share wisdom on how to transcend the bonds of attachment through rituals and practices. These practices, imbued with intention and purpose, offer a way to release the grip of attachment. They encourage simplifying and allowing for the ebb and flow of life to unfold naturally. 

Engaging in non-attachment rituals invites the recognition that true freedom does not lie in possession, but in connection—with your Self, others, and the universe at large. When you acknowledge the truth of impermanence and let go of what no longer serves you, you make room for new opportunities to arise. 

These powerful rituals cultivate non-attachment, the embracing of simplicity, and the experience of greater freedom and joy.

5 Rituals To Encourage Non-Attachment


Embrace mindfulness

Mindfulness cultivates present-moment awareness, a state of being fully immersed in the here and now, detached from the pull of past regrets or future anxieties. Here are some things you can add to your practice:

  • Start each day with a practice focused on letting go. Bring your attention to your breath. By training the mind to focus on the breath, bodily sensations, or a chosen point of focus, you will gradually learn to quiet the incessant chatter of the mind and tune into the present moment. As you sit in stillness or engage in mindful movement, you become intimately acquainted with the transient nature of the world around you, including your thoughts and emotions. When you realize that nothing is permanent and that clinging only perpetuates suffering, you begin to loosen the grip of attachment.
  • Spend time in nature. Reconnect with the natural rhythm of life and embrace the beauty of impermanence. A leisurely walk in a park, forest, or along a beach allows you to be fully present in the moment. Observe the changing seasons, the cycles of growth and decay, and the fleeting beauty of flowers and trees. Reflect on the ebb and flow of life and the inevitability of change.
  • Dedicate time each day for a digital detox. Disconnect from technology and digital distractions. Create a tech-free zone in your home where you can unwind and recharge. Use this time to engage in activities that nourish your soul, such as reading, journaling, or practicing mindfulness. Notice any urges to check your phone or social media and gently redirect your attention to the present moment. Embrace the freedom that comes from unplugging and being fully present.

To end your mindfulness practice, imagine breathing in acceptance of the present moment. With each exhale, release any attachments or expectations about how your day should unfold. Then set an intention to approach the day with openness and flexibility. 


Declutter your physical space

How do you feel when surrounded by too much stuff? I experience heaviness, overwhelm, stress, and drained of energy. Clutter not only occupies physical space, it also occupies space in your mind. So by decluttering, you’re not merely tidying up your physical space; you’re letting go of things you don’t need and creating space for new experiences, opportunities, and whatever you truly value.

Dedicate time each week to decluttering your physical space. Make it easy on yourself by starting with a drawer or closet. And understand that this ritual doesn’t have to be about ‘getting rid’ of stuff. It can be about how you let go of it. For example:

  • Not every item has equal meaning. Some things are more meaningful than other things. So, look at each item and assess its value in your life. Ask, “Does this item bring me joy or add value to my life in some way? If so, then keep it, use it, and enjoy it. If not, then it may be time to release it.
  • Let it be a blessing to someone else. Instead of throwing things away, consider donating them to people who could use them. The act of giving can be incredibly fulfilling and will help you feel more connected to others. There are people for whom that item you never use would be like winning the lottery. 
  • Things are not memories; they’re things. The memories are within you; not in the sterling silver salad set that you never use. The set may prompt a memory, but it is not the memory. So, you may experience the same memories from a picture of the item. Then you can let go of the physical item and let it be a blessing for someone else. 
  • Practice gratitude for the items you choose to keep, acknowledging their temporary presence in your life. Let go of anything that no longer serves you, thanking it for the lessons it has taught you.

As you declutter your physical environment, you have greater awareness that you don’t need to hold on to everything and you might find joy in the act of letting it go to make space for something new.


Hold a release ceremony

A powerful release ceremony that combines introspective journaling with the element of fire can be a profoundly transformative experience. This ritual allows you to consciously acknowledge and let go of the things that weigh you down; whether attachments, fears, or burdens. When these things are symbolically released into the flames, their energy is transformed and liberated.

Take out your journal or a piece of paper and pen. Set your intention for the ceremony. Take a moment to reflect on what you wish to release and why. This could be anything that no longer serves you; old habits, past traumas, limiting beliefs, unhealthy relationships, or fears. Be honest and vulnerable in your reflections as you write down everything you want to release. This is your opportunity to acknowledge the things that have been holding you back.

As you write, allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise. It’s okay to feel sadness, anger, or fear as you recognize these aspects of yourself. Writing them down helps to externalize and give them form, making it easier to let go of them.

When you finish writing, read over what you have written. Notice any patterns or themes that emerge. This can help you gain clarity and insight into the deeper roots of your attachments, fears, and burdens.

As you stand before the flames, take a few deep breaths to ground and center yourself. Visualize and feel the energy of what you’ve written as you release that energy to be transmuted by the fire. Notice the sense of lightness and liberation that washes over you as you let go of the past and embrace the present moment.


Habituate gratitude and acts of kindness

Cultivate a daily gratitude practice to shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. Take a few moments each day to reflect on three things you’re grateful for. Embrace an attitude of appreciation for the blessings in your life, whether they are big or small. As you cultivate gratitude, you’ll naturally begin to loosen your attachments to desires and expectations, finding contentment in the present moment.

Acts of kindness are also a powerful way to foster a non-attachment mindset. Doing for others shifts your focus outward, away from your desires and concerns, and towards the well-being of others.

When you engage in generous and compassionate acts, you naturally move beyond your own self-interest and connect with the needs of those around you. Whether it’s offering a helping hand to a friend in need, volunteering in your community, or simply showing kindness to a stranger, these actions will remind you of interconnectedness and the importance of supporting each other. 

Practicing non-attachment through gratitude and acts of kindness allows you to experience joy without expectation. Rather than seeking validation or reciprocity, you discover fulfillment in moving beyond your own desires and attachments and finding joy in the simple act of making someone else’s day a little brighter. 


Switch-up routines and environments

It’s easy to fall into comfortable patterns and familiar surroundings. While familiarity can offer security, it can also lead to stagnation if not acknowledged. Breaking free from these patterns of attachment can require consciously shaking up your routine and environment.

Look at the activities you engage in and the places you explore. Step out of your comfort zone and try new activities to broaden your horizons and invigorate your mind. Consider taking up a new hobby, joining a club, or learning a new skill as embracing novelty helps your mind expand. Similarly, venturing into unfamiliar surroundings like a new neighborhood, city, or country, opens you up to diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Challenging your preconceptions and expanding your worldview supports the evolution of your mind and spirit. 

Incorporating these rituals into your daily life cultivates non-attachment and takes you on a transformative journey filled with greater freedom, peace, and joy. Embracing impermanence, letting go of expectations, and cherishing the present moment liberates you to discover your highest self and experience limitless possibilities.

Are you ready to experience the limitless possibilities that await when you let go of the burdens of attachment? Join me for a private Discovery Call to uncover what this might look like for you.

Learning to let go of the attachments that no longer serve you empowers you to live with a sense of lightness and joy. If this resonates with you, click here now and use the comment box to request a complimentary Discovery Session. I look forward to partnering with you on your journey to experience a more liberated and fulfilling life.

True Freedom: The Path of Non-Attachment

Do you feel frustrated when you don’t get something that you strongly desire? Or perhaps you feel like a failure when a certain outcome isn’t what you expected? 

Here’s the thing: true freedom isn’t about getting everything you want. It’s about letting go of your attachment to the idea that you need those things to be happy.

Practicing non-attachment means breaking free from your usual way of thinking and living fully in the present. Central to the practice of non-attachment is the principle of ‘Non-Attachment to Outcomes.’ This principle invites you to engage wholeheartedly in the unfolding of life, without being fixated on specific results. 

Embracing non-attachment does not mean renouncing your aspirations. Rather, it invites you to pursue them with a sense of lightness and detachment by trusting that the Universe knows what’s truly best for you—even better than you think you know. Here’s my real-life example of how it works:

I had a successful financial planning business for 20 years, with the expectation that it would only become more successful and allow me to help even more people grow their wealth. Until a car crash triggered fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. 

Although it got harder and harder for me to manage my business, I was attached to being a successful female business owner and perceived selling my business as failure. I was trapped in the illusion of control, thinking that sheer force of will would help me overcome my physical condition. When I was eventually forced to sell my business, I felt frustrated and victimized by circumstances. 

Thankfully, my frustration led me to let go of all that I thought I knew and become a seeker. Over time, I found healers for my body, mind, and spirit. My life coach helped me release feelings of failure and redefine what success meant to me. Tapping into my desire to help others, I chose to become educated as a certified life coach. 

And, I didn’t stop there. My fascination with spirituality and the workings of the Universe led me to get a Masters and PhD in Metaphysical Sciences. Then the Universe led me to Accelerated Evolution, the most potent metaphysical healing modality that I have discovered to-date. I am now a Certified Accelerated Evolution Master Coach and a Trainer for the Accelerated Evolution Academy. 

In retrospect, I can see that the Universe knew what was best for me and opened doors for me to discover my true purpose and the path of freedom and joy. I have learned that everything happens for me, and I now live life with that in mind. I am no longer attached to what life should be. I remain open to the infinite possibilities that are available to me.

As you can tell from my story, practicing non-attachment requires courage, humility, and unwavering trust in the wisdom of the universe. It is a radical shift in perspective and an invitation to surrender the illusion of control and to embrace the mysteries of existence. 

True freedom comes from knowing that everything in life happens for you, not to you. When you are able to let go of your attachments and accept what happens for you, you gracefully dance with life, experiencing greater freedom than you ever thought possible. 

The Path of “Non-Attachment” 

As you embrace non-attachment, you find freedom. It’s as simple as letting go of expectations and the need to cling to outcomes. When you live in the present moment with openness and acceptance, you allow life to unfold naturally and with ease. Let’s look at some ways to do this.

Define Success on Your Terms

True success isn’t about meeting external standards; it’s pursuing meaningful goals that bring joy and a sense of fulfillment. By setting your own criteria for success, you free yourself from societal pressures and pursue goals aligned with your values and purpose. Defining success on your terms empowers you to pursue passions that resonate with your true self. For instance, rather than chasing a high-paying job for status, you prioritize a fulfilling career that allows you to express yourself creatively or allows more time for you to pursue a passion outside of work.

Embrace Uncertainty

Life is inherently uncertain, and trying to control every outcome only leads to stress and frustration. Embracing uncertainty allows you to flow with life’s twists and turns, finding opportunity and growth in every situation. Instead of fighting against the flow of life, you trust your ability to adapt and see new paths. For instance, losing a job can be devastating, but it can also lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth if approached with openness and resilience.

Practice Equanimity

Equanimity is maintaining mental and physical composure, no matter the situation. Cultivating equanimity allows you to respond calmly rather than react impulsively, so you can navigate challenges with grace and resilience. 

Imagine facing criticism at work. Instead of getting defensive, you stay calm, assess the feedback objectively, and use it constructively to improve. Equanimity empowers you to handle adversity with dignity and clarity.

Reflect and Learn

Reflection is like a mirror for the soul, revealing patterns and lessons hidden within your experiences. It allows you to learn from your experiences, both positive and negative. Taking time to reflect on your actions and outcomes provides insights that inform future decisions and enable continuous growth. For instance, after a setback, reflect on what could be improved for the next time. This can prepare you for similar challenges in the future.

Stay Committed to Growth 

Surround yourself with a supportive network, seek feedback, and embrace challenges as opportunities for learning. Celebrating even the smallest victories fuels your motivation, reinforcing your dedication to your ongoing development. This could look like learning a new skill, joining a mastermind group, or finding a mentor who can provide invaluable support and guidance on your growth journey. 

As you cultivate non-attachment, you find a deep sense of peace that can’t be disturbed by external circumstances. You discover that true freedom does not come from getting what you want, but from letting go of your attachment to having it. You become grounded in self-awareness, resilient in the face of life’s challenges, and open to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. 

Are you ready to escape the prison of attachment and discover true freedom? Join me for a one-on-one Discovery Call to discuss what this might look like for you.

Attachment to your desired outcomes could be what’s holding you back. If this resonates with you, click here now and use the comment box to request a complimentary Discovery Session. I’m excited for you to take this step on your journey of true freedom.

Unapologetically Authentic: Thriving Beyond External Expectations

Life is full of choices; some more significant than others. Ideally, you make choices that enhance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, in a world driven by societal expectations, it’s easy to fall into the trap of making choices at the expense of your authentic self. 

From a young age, you are inundated with a myriad of societal expectations dictating how you should look, act, and succeed. Whether it’s the pressure to excel academically, pursue a prestigious career, or adhere to conventional standards of beauty, these societal dictates may serve as a yardstick by which you measure your worth. 

Living according to external expectations may provide temporary validation and acceptance from others, but the long-term costs to your authenticity and well-being can be significant. While striving to meet these expectations, you sacrifice your true desires in favor of what society perceives as success. The result is a profound disconnect between who you truly are and who you have conformed to be.

However, you can successfully navigate the infinite choices that life presents without sacrificing your authenticity. 

This article illuminates how living according to external expectations impacts your overall well-being as it relates to your health, relationships, quality of life, and more. You’ll discover how you can be unapologetically authentic, stepping boldly into your own truth, choosing the path of success without sacrifice, and transcending the limitations of external validation to break free from the “success trap” and experience true fulfillment and happiness.


The Impact Of External Expectations


Negative Effect on Wellness

When there is a dissonance between your true self and the self you project to the world, inner conflict occurs. This disconnect can cause emotional distress, including a lack of fulfillment, disillusionment, and anxiety, which can manifest and lead to self-doubt, dissatisfaction, and depression. It can also create a heightened risk of health issues, including stress-related ailments and compromised immune function. 

Consequences of People-Pleasing

The urge to meet external expectations by pleasing others can heavily impact your actions and choices, while hampering the pursuit of your passions. It can stem from a desire for harmony that evolves into a barrier to your authentic self. Rooted in the fear of rejection and desire for external validation, people-pleasing can lead you to neglect your needs. Although temporarily easing conflict, it traps you in a cycle of fulfilling others’ expectations. This can erode self-worth, causing resentment and burnout. 

Loss of Direction and Purpose

When you prioritize the desires and expectations of others over your own dreams and aspirations, you lose sight of what truly matters to you. This can leave you feeling adrift, unsure of who you are and what you want out of life. 

Hindrance of Personal Growth

When you live according to others’ expectations or societal standards, you may begin to experience a sense of inadequacy that leads to a fear of failure and deters you from taking risks or exploring new opportunities that could foster your growth.

Lack of Fulfillment

Despite outward success or achievement, you may feel a profound sense of emptiness and disillusionment as you realize that your accomplishments do not align with your true passions and desires. Fulfillment comes from living authentically and pursuing paths that resonate with your deepest values and aspirations, rather than conforming to external standards of success.


How To Be Unapologetically Authentic


Cultivate Self-Awareness

Authentic living requires a deep level of self-awareness and honesty with oneself. Cultivate a practice of mindfulness and self-reflection to stay grounded in the present moment and aligned with your true essence. 

Embrace Imperfection

Imperfection is a natural part of the human experience. Take the time to explore your true desires, strengths, and limitations without judgment or self-criticism. Be willing to embrace your vulnerabilities and imperfections as integral parts of your authentic self. By honoring your authenticity and staying true to yourself, you liberate yourself from the pressure to conform to external expectations and standards of success.

Practice Self-Compassion

Cultivate a nurturing relationship with yourself by treating yourself with kindness and understanding. Practice self-care and prioritize your well-being, recognizing your inherent worth regardless of external achievements or validation.

Welcome Your Uniqueness

Welcome your unique qualities and traits wholeheartedly, without the need for validation or approval from others. Take pride in who you are and celebrate your individuality. For example, if you have a quirky hobby, allow yourself to fully indulge in it as a way to express yourself, and let it blossom into something meaningful.

Define Your Own Version of Success

Redefine what success means to you on your own terms. Instead of measuring success solely by external achievements such as wealth, status, or accolades, consider what truly matters to you on a deeper level. Release the urge to compare yourself to others, understanding that each individual’s journey is unique and incomparable. Focus on your own growth and progress, rather than measuring your worth against external benchmarks or standards. Reflect on your core values, passions, and aspirations, and define success in alignment with these intrinsic factors. 

Prioritize Inner Fulfillment Over External Validation

Instead of seeking validation and approval from others, prioritize inner fulfillment and self-acceptance. Trust your own judgment and intuition, recognizing that true happiness comes from within and cannot be found in external achievements or recognition. Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the abundance already present in your life, and focus on nurturing meaningful connections and experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment. 

Establish Healthy Limits

Set boundaries that honor your needs and values, allowing you to protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Communicate your boundaries clearly and assertively, saying no to commitments or relationships that don’t align with your priorities.

Say No Without Guilt

Decline requests or opportunities that do not resonate with your authentic self, without succumbing to guilt or obligation. Trust in your ability to prioritize your own needs and desires, knowing that saying no is an act of self-respect and self-preservation.

Handle Conflict with Honesty and Respect

Approach conflicts with honesty, integrity, and respect, honoring both your own needs and those of others involved. Communicate openly and authentically, seeking resolution through genuine dialogue and understanding rather than avoidance or manipulation.

Practice Your Values and Beliefs

Align your actions and choices with your core values and beliefs, living in accordance with what truly matters to you. Act with integrity and authenticity, knowing that staying true to your values is essential for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Embrace Failure and Setbacks as Opportunities for Growth

In the pursuit of authenticity, it’s important to embrace failure and setbacks as valuable learning experiences rather than signs of inadequacy or defeat. Recognize that setbacks are inevitable on the path to growth and success, and view them as opportunities for reflection, learning, and growth. 

Cultivate resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges, knowing that each obstacle is a stepping stone on your journey toward living authentically. By reframing failure as a natural part of the process, you release the fear of judgment and failure that often accompanies the “success trap”, allowing you to pursue your true passions and purpose with courage and conviction.

When you can shift your focus from external validation to internal fulfillment, you free yourself from the endless pursuit of empty achievements and pave the way for a more authentic and meaningful life.

Are you ready to escape from the “success trap” by creating a life that is authentically aligned with your values and aspirations? Then join me for a one-on-one discovery call to discuss what this might look like for you

I’m excited to see you acknowledge what’s holding you back, unapologetically align with your authentic self, start on your journey of greater purpose and fulfillment, and thrive beyond external expectations. If this resonates with you, click here now and use the comment box to request a complimentary Discovery Session. 

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