The Art of Receiving: Spiritual Connection

Are you ready to receive all that the universe intends for you?

The study of quantum physics tells us that the planets, the stars, and everything else in the universe are connected as one unified field with a universal intelligence. In this field that connects us all, infinite realities exist, which allow for infinite possibilities. Since you are an interconnected part of the universe, and of all that is, you have the ability to access and receive the abundance of infinite possibilities. 

However, your ego’s desire for control can often override your connection with the universe and its abundance. It is especially common for a woman who thrives on and makes sacrifices for success to believe that there’s a separation between herself and the universe. When this occurs, you may feel that the only way to be successful at achieving your goals is to work hard… even to the point of burnout. When your ego prompts a scarcity mindset, it creates doubt about the existence of infinite possibilities and the opportunity for success without sacrifice.

However, if you were to maintain your connection with all that is and allow yourself to have faith that the universe will provide for you, success can be achieved with greater ease and flow. Staying spiritually connected can help you maintain this abundant mindset, so you are open to receive the highest and best that the universe has to offer. 

There are many practices that can enhance your ability to connect more deeply with your spirituality, such as: meditation, yoga, journaling, positive self-talk, and communing with nature. As you expand into a true knowing that you are one with the universe, you deepen your spiritual connection. 

When you make that spiritual connection and can trust that the universe is providing for you in the best and highest way, you’re able to receive its endless possibilities. Here are some steps for you to connect more deeply with your higher Self and receive more from life.

When you make that spiritual connection and can trust that the universe is providing for you in the best and highest way, you’re able to receive its endless possibilities. Share on X

Step 1: Engage with your vision

Part 1. Create your vision 

Do you have a goal in mind? Or a dream you’ve been nurturing? Even though you’ve had great success in your life, you may still be striving toward an unfulfilled vision. To receive what you desire, you must first visualize it. For example, if your dream is to own a successful online business, instead of working your 9 to 5, hold onto that vision. Don’t let the fear of change or what others might say block you from receiving your goal. 

Write a list of all the wonderful possibilities that could come from your vision. Keep an open mind about how this vision might manifest, because it may occur differently than you imagine or the end result might not be quite what you expect. The important aspect here is realizing a vision that aligns with your values and that you have the intention to achieve. 

Part 2. Take action

Once you have a vision in mind, begin to move toward it, physically. It might be a small step such as creating a vision board or writing down your dreams to help you manifest and keep your vision alive. Or, perhaps a big leap such as hiring a website designer to help you start a website, investing in a product to sell, or moving on from your current position to make more time for your new venture. What matters is that you’re taking action to eventually receive what you want most in life. 

Step 2: Connect Spiritually

Part 1. Understanding

You can have a vision and take action to achieve it. However, do you know why you truly want this? If you see this vision as something that adds value to your life, acknowledge why. Using the online business you want to create as an example, you might consider the following: Are you looking for a more flexible work schedule to access greater self-care? Do you have a product to sell that could help others? Is there a message you want to share with the world? 

Understanding why you want to receive something will help you connect to it on a deeper, more spiritual level. Write down your thoughts or engage in a meaningful conversation to help you recognize the reasons why you want to receive this. Once you have a deeper awareness of your “why,” the universe can move forward on the “how.”.  

Part 2. Be ready to align 

Infinite possibilities exist in the universe and, as the study of quantum physics reveals, if you’re truly connecting as one with the universe, you’re open to receive possibilities that are in your highest and best good. So, when you have a vision, do the spiritual work to understand why you truly want it, and take action toward it, the universe aligns to connect you with your vision. So, be ready to receive whatever comes your way. And keep an open mind, because the universe may fulfill your vision in a different form than what you expect. 

As you deepen your spiritual connection, you’ll experience a greater sense of oneness with all there is, the universe aligns with your vision, and you open up to receive more fully.

Connect with all that the universe intends for you by connecting with your spiritual Self. 

Get More From Life: Focus On Receiving

Would you like more from life?

More love? 

More joy? 

More inspiration? 

More abundance? 

You can receive everything that you want in life. How does this work? 

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy, including you. This means that energy is constantly flowing to and through you. So, you have an innate and unlimited capacity to receive. 

However, it’s possible for life experiences or messages from your past to create a kink in your hose of energy flow. You might have learned not to get up your hopes and expect good things, because you’ve been let down previously. Or you were taught that you don’t deserve to receive something unless you have earned it or you need it as the result of an illness. Therefore, you can become limited in your potential to receive. 

But, you have the ability to unkink your hose and access all that the Universe has to offer. With practice, you can learn how to get out of your own way and receive like a pro. 

Here are 5 practices for expanding your power to receive:

Accept compliments

When someone offers you a compliment, make sure to respond with “Thank you.” Do not deflect the compliment by trivializing whatever was complimented. Also, there is no need to return a compliment at that moment.

Make gratitude a habit

Each time you get a gift or a compliment, focus on receiving it fully with the deepest appreciation. Then speak your sincere appreciation aloud to the giver, so they also feel your gratitude. 

Practice receiving

If you want to expand your ability to receive, you must practice. Start by focusing on being present in the moment and noticing what you receive each day. This could be a smile from a stranger or a compliment from a colleague. See if you are able to receive without giving back. 

Ask for what you want

My mother taught me that if I don’t ask, I won’t get. Most people won’t be able to read your mind and know what you want or need. Of course, that means it’s important for you to know what you want or need. 

Stretch beyond your comfort zone

The level at which you are able to receive can reveal any limitations you may have around deserving. Invite yourself to stay open to receiving good things. You are worthy of receiving all that you need and desire.

When you are able to open up and receive more, life becomes more fulfilling and enjoyable than you could imagine. The key to immersing yourself in the practice of receiving is to know that you are worthy of having it all. 

This means having a healthy, loving relationship with your Self.

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