Finding meaning in your life is a key aspect of living well. Connecting with your higher Self is essential to experiencing your unique joyful life journey. Tapping into your higher Self allows you to embrace each moment fully and appreciate it for what it is.

Connecting with your higher Self is essential to experiencing your unique joyful life journey. Share on X

Your higher Self is conscious. Much like how religion connects you with a higher entity, spirituality allows you to connect to your own conscious guide – your higher Self.  

As a high-achieving woman, you tend to move through life at a fast pace. You are often motivated by the desire to reach certain goals. This can result in feelings of urgency to finish one thing and move on to the next. And when your mindset is that you’ll be happier and more successful once you reach that goal, it’s easy to find that you’re sacrificing your health, wellbeing, relationships, or dreams. 

When you get in touch with your higher Self through spiritual practice, it’s the journey that brings you happiness and success rather than the achievement of the goal itself. By connecting with your Self and discovering your own unique journey, you are better able to experience success without sacrifice.

Life’s joyful journey starts with a conscious connection with your higher Self. Spiritual practices are how you strengthen this connection.  

How to connect with your higher Self:


Connect with nature

Nature is an incredible spiritual guide. It provides you with a sense of the present, encouraging you to connect with the moment. When you walk in nature, notice the feeling of peaceful presence. In times of chaos, recall and reconnect with this feeling of presence. Connecting with this sense of being in times of struggle can sustain you.    


The practice of sitting still, focusing on the breath, and allowing your mind to detach from thought allows you to hear your higher Self. When you meditate and calm the mind, you create space for your inner wisdom to connect in harmony with your body.   


Letting your thoughts flow from your body onto paper can help you connect with your conscious mind. The more often you write about your thoughts, feelings, and observations, the more you access your higher consciousness. Be consistent and you’ll tap into your higher Self and what makes your life journey joyful. 

As you deepen your connection with your higher Self, notice the shifts in your life. Embrace these changes, as they can be signs that you are on the path of your joyful journey and experiencing success without sacrifice. 

What to expect on your joyful journey:


Letting go 

As you connect on your journey, you’ll notice things that no longer serve you. Habits you’ve picked up over the years, how you use your time, and even some relationships may need to be reevaluated. Letting go of what no longer serves you can be a challenge. Yet it’s part of the growth process, and releasing these things creates space that can be used in a more meaningful way as you continue your journey. 

Core values 

Your core values become clear and present once you connect with your Higher Self. You learn how to effortlessly incorporate them into your life. When your path yields success without sacrifice, your core values have become an integral part of your life. 


Create a vision and hold on to it. When you’re connecting with your higher Self, your vision is more clear and manifesting occurs with greater ease. Tapping into that clear vision leads you to your unique joyful journey. 

Connect with your higher Self. Begin a journey that brings you purpose, fulfillment, and joy with greater ease. A joyful journey finds happiness in each moment, not merely when you achieve a goal.

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