

If you’re a high-achieving woman, you’re in the right place. I write a new article twice a month offering actionable tips on how to realize Success WITHOUT Sacrifice and finally have it all… without a cost to your mental or physical wellbeing.

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Unexplained Fatigue: 2 Tips (From an Intuitive Empath) to Help You Cope

Unexplained Fatigue: 2 Tips (From an Intuitive Empath) to Help You Cope

I have been working from home for as long as I can remember – at least 30 years! When COVID-19 forced most of the world to stay home or work from home, it didn’t change this for me.

What the appearance of COVID-19 did change for me is that I began to feel so tired all the time. I went to sleep earlier and got up later, thinking I was pushing myself too much. However, the more I slept, the more I felt that I needed to sleep. I didn’t feel ill or anxious in any way, therefore I was uncertain as to what was happening. And I was experiencing pain that periodically shifted from one location in my body to another.

I needed an answer to this unexplained fatigue and fast!

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How to Live a Meaningful Life: 5 Tips to Find Your Purpose, Manifest Your Values, and Increase Happiness

How to Live a Meaningful Life: 5 Tips to Find Your Purpose, Manifest Your Values, and Increase Happiness

If you don’t have meaning in your life, life can feel merely like an accumulation of experiences.

When you learn how to live a meaningful life, everything you do and everything that happens for you has a purpose.

Even now, the coronavirus outbreak can add meaning to your life. And it’s up to you to find that meaning and embrace it.

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How to Be More Resilient: Getting Back on Track When Life Isn’t Going Your Way

How to Be More Resilient: Getting Back on Track When Life Isn’t Going Your Way

Resilience looks like the woman who loses her job but polishes her resume and starts seeking career opportunities.

Resilience looks like doing the best you can, even when coronavirus has disrupted your daily life.

Resilience is showing up for yourself every day, even when it feels like you’re carrying the world on your shoulders.

You don’t need a suit and cape to conquer your challenges.

All you need is resilience. And I’m going to show you how to be more resilient when you’re feeling overwhelmed with life.

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Hi, I’m Dr. Whitney

About Me

As an International Speaker, Certified Master Trainer, Certified Accelerated Evolution Coach, Spiritual Counselor, and Ordained Minister, I’ve shown powerful professional women, entrepreneurs, and executives worldwide how to experience success without sacrificing their health, wellbeing, relationships or dreams. Having experienced first-hand the challenges of finding physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured!!!

A gift for you:

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