The Power Of Self-Advocacy: Access A Higher Quality Of Life

If you’ve achieved the life you always desired—the career and the comfort of the “American Dream”—confident communication may be a skill that comes naturally for you. However, speaking up so that you achieve your career goal, the big house, and the fancy car might not be enough to provide sustained happiness and fulfillment in life. 

As you evolve and develop spiritually, your idea of success may shift. This is when advocating for what you truly want can bring greater balance and fulfillment.  

Practicing self-advocacy is about effectively communicating your needs, desires, and values. This skill is not merely about speaking up for yourself, but also nurturing self-awareness and self-acceptance. By doing so, you become more adept at identifying and expressing exactly what you want.

Self-advocacy is essential for your long-term personal growth and satisfaction. When you communicate your needs and desires, you create the opportunity for a life that aligns with your values and passions. This, in turn, leads to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

When you cultivate the mindset of asking for what you want, you are able to access a higher quality of life. To fully understand how advocating for yourself can positively impact your life, let’s look at the benefits, the challenges, and how your self-advocacy skills can be further developed. 


Benefits of Self-Advocacy

Increased opportunities

When you self-advocate, it shows that you value yourself and your ideas. Focus on speaking up about your needs and desires daily until it becomes a habit. This can lead to new opportunities that inspire greater passion in your life. 

Enhanced relationships

Being able to clearly articulate your needs and desires helps foster more honest and open communication in your relationships. This can lead to stronger, more meaningful connections with friends, family, and coworkers. 

Improved overall well-being

Not speaking up for your needs can lead to feelings of overwhelm, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. By advocating for yourself, you take an active role in shaping your future, which can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.


Challenges of Self-Advocacy

Fear of rejection or judgment

The fear of rejection or judgment can significantly impact your perspective on life. These fears can create mental barriers that prevent you from expressing yourself, taking risks, trying new things, and pursuing goals. Fear of rejection can limit your personal growth and lead to missed opportunities. Similarly, fear of judgment can cause you to avoid expressing your unique ideas and perspectives. To live a life that aligns with your true values and desires, it’s essential to overcome fears of rejection and judgment.

Struggle to align with values

When self-advocacy isn’t practiced, you may not be focused on identifying your values and priorities. This can lead to feeling that you lack control in your life. However, by choosing to actively advocate for yourself, you can clarify your values and assert your needs and wants. This may involve making choices that reflect your values, setting boundaries, and speaking up for yourself. Embracing self-advocacy can deepen your understanding of yourself and align your actions with your core values, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Cultural or societal barriers

At times, it can be difficult to advocate for yourself due to cultural norms or societal expectations. Challenges may stem from various factors, such as race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic status. These obstacles can impede access to essential resources, support systems, and opportunities, resulting in frustration, disappointment, and limitations on personal and professional growth. The awareness  that these barriers exist may empower you to improve your skills of self-advocacy with the outcome of serving an even greater purpose.


Developing Self-Advocacy Skills

Self-reflection and self-care practices

Practicing self-care and self-reflection allows you to become more aware of your needs, emotions, and limiting beliefs. This awareness can help you better identify your values and priorities, which is essential in advocating for yourself. Practices such as journaling, meditation, mindful movements, and connecting with nature, can improve your communication skills by enhancing your focus and ability to self-express. This can also help with self-esteem, which is crucial for self-advocacy. When you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to stand up for yourself and ask for what you need.

Communication exercises

Exercising assertive communication with friends, family, or a professional can help you refine your self-advocacy skills. This practice involves techniques, such as: using “I” statements; expressing your emotions clearly; and setting boundaries. Using these skills in a safe and supportive environment helps you become more comfortable advocating for yourself in any situation. Being able to communicate your desires and values clearly can help you define and achieve your life’s true purpose. 

Step out of your comfort zone

Exposing yourself to unfamiliar situations can be intimidating and challenging. However, it teaches you to face your fears and push through discomfort, which provides excellent opportunities for self-advocacy and personal growth and development. This helps build resilience, self-esteem, and adaptability, essential traits for personal and professional success. 

Self-advocacy is a powerful tool for accessing a higher quality of life. It will help you align with your greatest desires and experience deeper meaning during your life’s journey. 


The Journey Of Self-Acceptance: Embracing All Of You

Self-acceptance is the process of embracing all of yourself for who you truly are. It involves appreciating your unique qualities and abilities, as well as any areas which you may perceive need upleveling. 

It’s not unusual to have physical, emotional, or intellectual aspects of yourself where you struggle or feel inadequate. Rather than denying or avoiding them, focus on accepting and embracing these areas. Developing strategies to address areas of potential growth, while leveraging your strengths, can redefine and improve the quality of your life.  

Self-acceptance is essential for your mental and emotional well-being, as it enhances your ability to face life’s challenges with resilience, confidence, and self-compassion. Accepting yourself unconditionally allows you to forge deeper connections with others and increases your capacity to navigate the ups and downs of life, while focusing on self-actualization—the realization of your full potential. 

Your journey to greater self-acceptance may be challenging, but the rewards can be immense. Let’s explore how to handle perceived areas needing improvement, while also celebrating your strengths. 


Acknowledge Perceived Areas For Improvement 


Engage in honest self-reflection. Assess your skills, behaviors, and thought patterns, and identify areas where you might need improvement. It could be a skill you would like to develop, a habit you would like to break, or a relationship you would like to improve.

This can be done through journaling, meditation, or introspection. Remember that a perceived need for self-improvement is not a sign of failure, but rather a potential opportunity for growth. 

Seek feedback 

Solicit feedback from trusted friends, family members, or colleagues, and be open to receiving their constructive observations. By obtaining an outside perspective, you can gain valuable insights and develop strategies to incorporate them. 

Keep in mind that receiving feedback can sometimes be difficult, so approach this with a growth mindset.

Develop a plan

Create an action plan to address your learnings. This may involve setting specific, measurable goals, engaging in skill-building activities, or seeking assistance. Be patient and compassionate with yourself, as personal growth can take time and effort. It can also provide encouragement and the opportunity to explore a new path. 

And remember, it’s okay to ask for help or delegate tasks to others. You don’t have to be great at everything. In fact, trying to do everything yourself can lead to burnout and frustration. Identify tasks or responsibilities that you can delegate to others and trust them to do a good job. This will free up your time and energy to focus on your strengths and areas you desire to uplevel.


Celebrate Your Strengths

Practice gratitude for your strengths

Take time each day to acknowledge and appreciate your unique qualities and abilities. Practicing gratitude for your strengths can foster a positive mindset, boost your self-esteem, and improve your overall well-being. Do this through mindfulness exercises, journaling, or simply reflecting on your accomplishments and capabilities. 

Praising your strengths will not only increase your personal fulfillment, it will encourage self-growth for greater success.  

Use your strengths to achieve your goals

Leverage your strengths as you tackle challenges in your life and work towards your personal and professional goals. Be mindful of ways to utilize your strengths. For instance, if you have a talent for public speaking, look for opportunities to lead meetings or present at conferences. By focusing on your strengths, you maximize your potential and increase your resilience.

Share your strengths with others 

Sharing your strengths with others can not only benefit those around you, it can also reinforce your confidence and sense of purpose. Offer to share your skills, knowledge, or experience with others through collaboration or mentoring. 

By contributing your unique strengths to your community, you can deepen your connections with others and create positive change. Self-acceptance can also be cultivated through a deeper sense of purpose, as you recognize the value you bring to the world around you.

The journey to self-acceptance is ongoing and requires patience, perseverance, and self-compassion. It is important to acknowledge areas for improvement without judgment or self-criticism, and to delegate some of these tasks to others. Embrace your unique qualities to cultivate greater self-confidence and the discovery of your authentic self. Keep working towards becoming the best version of yourself and enjoy the journey.

Self-Acceptance: The Beauty Of Imperfection

In today’s society, women are constantly bombarded with images and messages that perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards and societal expectations of perfection. So, it could be easy to fall into the trap of focusing on imperfect aspects of yourself, which may lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, and a propensity to strive for perfection. 

The pressure to attain perfection is often linked to increased stress, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, since it’s common to neglect your own needs. Perpetuating this pattern may also result in burnout and decreased satisfaction in life, which can be detrimental to your physical, mental, and emotional health. Therefore, self-acceptance is crucial to your well-being.

Cultivating self-acceptance can help you feel more comfortable with who you are, which can lead to a better quality of life. The journey to self-acceptance starts by accepting that no one is perfect. We all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. It is essential to acknowledge and appreciate your strengths, while accepting and not dwelling on your weaknesses. 

Self-acceptance enables you to love all aspects of yourself with compassion and understanding. Your uniqueness is what makes you capable of achieving greatness, without sacrificing your well-being. When you embrace your uniqueness, you can experience greater joy and fulfillment. 

The Benefits of Embracing Your Uniqueness

Boosts Self-Confidence and Self-Worth

Embracing your uniqueness is a powerful path towards healthier self-esteem. Through showcasing your talents, strengths, and expertise, you are set apart as a memorable and one-of-a-kind individual. This allows you to fully appreciate your worth. 

Enhances Personal Growth And Creativity

When you let go of the need for perfection, you become more open to stepping out of your comfort zone and enjoying new experiences. This openness can lead to more opportunities for self-discovery. As you learn more about your strengths, passions, and interests, you become more willing to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them, thus enhancing your personal growth. This encourages you to tap into your own ideas, bring new perspectives to old problems, and explore more creative solutions and approaches that may not have been considered before.

Strengthens Relationships

As you accept and embrace your imperfections and uniqueness, you become less guarded and give yourself permission to be more authentic. Sharing your true self without fear of judgment fosters more genuine and meaningful connections, which strengthens relationships. 

Encourages Acceptance and Diversity in Society

When you embrace your imperfections, it helps promote a culture of unconditional acceptance. This mindset cultivates empathy and greater understanding of the benefits of diversity, which can help break down barriers and create a more compassionate and inclusive society.

How To Cultivate Self-Acceptance

Let Go Of Comparison

It is effortless to compare oneself to others, but this can lead to feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. Instead, focus on personal growth and development. Set goals that are meaningful and achievable and work towards them at your own pace. Remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and comparing oneself to others will only hold you back.

Assess Your Self-Image

Acknowledge that the way you see yourself may not necessarily be an accurate reflection of reality. By taking an honest look at yourself and identifying areas where you may be overly critical or focused on perfection, you can begin to challenge these thoughts and beliefs. Developing a more realistic and positive self-image can improve your relationship with yourself and others.

Address Negative Self-Talk

Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool for improving self-acceptance. It involves paying attention to your internal dialogue, identifying negative self-talk, and consciously choosing to replace it with more positive and affirming statements. This can include challenging negative beliefs about yourself, acknowledging your imperfections without self-criticism, focusing on your strengths and accomplishments, and reframing mistakes or failures as opportunities for growth. 

Practice Self-Compassion

To practice self-compassion, intentionally focus on treating yourself with loving kindness, just as you would treat a close friend. Set aside time each day to engage in self-care activities that take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. This could include anything from taking a bubble bath to practicing mindfulness meditation. Self-care helps you feel good about yourself while reducing stress, anxiety, and negative self-talk.

Remember that self-compassion is a skill that is developed with practice. It may take time and effort to develop this habit. Yet if you consistently treat yourself with empathy and understanding, you can uplevel your self-acceptance and overall well-being.

Expand Your Confidence and Resilience

Setbacks and failures happen. Therefore, it’s important to approach these challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than as indicators of your worth or ability. Instead of getting discouraged when things don’t go according to plan, keep in mind that things happen for you, not to you. When you adopt an attitude of gratitude for what you learned from the experience and the ensuing opportunities that arise, your confidence and resilience expands.

Acknowledging your worth is an integral part of cultivating self-acceptance. By appreciating your unique gifts, abilities, qualities, and talents, you can approach challenges and setbacks with greater resilience and a more powerful mindset. 

Recognizing that imperfection is a natural part of the human experience empowers you to embrace your imperfections and lead a more authentic life. True well-being lies in understanding that your flaws make you unique, authentic, and ultimately human. Instead of striving for an unattainable ideal, celebrate your imperfections and know that they contribute to your personal growth and the richness of your relationships.

Cultivating self-acceptance is an ongoing process, but it is one that can lead to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, so take things at your own pace. 

Above all else, live in the present moment. You do this by practicing mindfulness, so you are aware and attentive to your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. Staying grounded in the present moment allows you to focus on what you can control.

Self-Care: Transform Routine Into Rejuvenation

Is your self-care routine starting to feel more like a burden than a source of joy? 

You’re aware that self-care is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle – physically, mentally, and spiritually. Yet, it can be challenging to stick to a self-care routine if it feels like a burden. The goal is for self-care to be a joyful and fulfilling part of your day. You want to feel rejuvenated and refreshed. So, if self-care feels like another item on your to-do list, it’s probably time to reevaluate how you approach it.

When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it can be difficult to find the energy or motivation to engage in self-care activities, even knowing that these activities can help alleviate stress and improve your mood. This is why it’s essential to manage your stress with a consistent self-care practice that you truly enjoy. 

Avoid self-care activities that feel daunting, even if they might have a positive impact on your health. For example, if you don’t enjoy running, don’t force yourself to do it just because it’s what others are doing. Instead, try yoga, swimming, or dancing – or any other activities that bring you joy and make you feel good. 

To keep self-care fun, make it easy by taking small steps and incorporating interests that have you smile or laugh. This could be reading a funny book, listening to upbeat music, or watching a comedy. Look for activities that you can do with friends or family, like walking or taking a dance or cooking class together. 

Also, give yourself permission to take breaks and reward yourself for making progress. Self-care should be something you look forward to, something that lifts you up and brings you joy. So, approach your self-care practices with a positive mindset. Focus on the enjoyment you’ll receive in the moment, rather than the end result. This can help you sustain a fulfilling self-care practice that truly benefits your well-being. Remember, self-care shouldn’t feel like another item on your to-do list – it should be a source of joy in your life. 

5 Ways To Refresh Your Self-Care Practice

Check-In Regularly

Take a few moments to assess your well-being on a regular basis, so you can identify areas of your life where you may need to make space for more self-care. Each day, consciously reflect on how you’re feeling. This could involve asking yourself questions like “How am I feeling today?” or “What do I need right now?” 

When you’re aware of your thoughts and emotions, you gain a better understanding of your state of well-being and can identify areas where you may need to focus more attention or care.

Prioritize Values

Your values are the principles and beliefs that guide your decision-making and behavior, and they can be a powerful tool in helping you determine which self-care activities work best for you.

Start by identifying the values that are most important to you. These might include family, health, career, spirituality, creativity, or community. Then, determine how your values align with self-care. For example, if your value is health, then activities like exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep may be particularly important to you.

By prioritizing your values and aligning your self-care activities with them, you can create a self-care practice that is more meaningful and sustainable over the long term.

Define Self-Care 

Defining what self-care means for you is an important step in creating a sustainable self-care practice. Self-care means different things to different people, so it’s important to take the time to reflect on what it means to you personally.

Create a list of self-care activities that align with your values, needs, and priorities. These activities could include anything from taking a bath to spending time in nature to practicing mindful meditation. The key is to choose activities that nourish and restore your well-being. And remember, what works for another may not work for you, so it’s important to stay open to trying new things and adapting your self-care as needed. 

By defining what self-care means for you personally, you can create a sustainable self-care practice that supports your physical, mental, and spiritual health over the long term.

Be Present

When you are present and mindful, you can more fully enjoy the experience of taking care of yourself and bring more joy to your self-care practice. 

The act of being present and mindful allows you to avoid distractions that can detract from your self-care. Turn off your phone, set aside your worries, and focus on taking care of yourself without interruption. This will allow you to savor the sensations of a relaxing bath or the taste of a healthy meal, and appreciate the positive impact it has on your well-being.

Tap into your feelings, thoughts, and emotions, and experience greater joy by being fully present in the moment during your self-care activities.

Show Gratitude

Gratitude is the act of being thankful for the things you have in your life, and it allows you to focus on the positive aspects of your self-care routine. This can increase your overall sense of well-being and joy.

Giving gratitude can be an act of self-care on its own. However, when you focus on what you’re grateful for during a self-care practice it can enhance the experience. For instance, while taking a walk through nature, give gratitude for the beauty that surrounds you, the fresh air, and the sunshine. 

By giving gratitude for the act of self-care you’ll experience more joy and fulfillment in your daily life.

Redefine how you practice self-care by focusing on joy as your goal. Don’t allow self-care to feel like a chore. Instead, look at it as an enjoyable and rewarding experience that brings you fulfillment. 


Self-Care: 5 Minutes Can Change Your Life

Do 5-Minute Self-Care Practices actually work?

Yes! Here’s why…

Self-care is essential to your physical, mental, and spiritual health. It’s a misconception that self-care must be a time-consuming act of luxury. The reality is that self-care is any mindful practice that helps you maintain or improve your well-being. This could be as simple as a focused breath of fresh air in between daily tasks.

Neglecting self-care provides an opportunity for stress and anxiety to build. This could cause forgetfulness, difficulty sleeping, frustration, inability to focus, and an overall lack of joy. As a high-performing woman, you may have a tendency to over-work yourself to the point of exhaustion. This is what happened to me. I continuously prioritized my career over my personal needs and put off self-care until I reached burnout.       

After reaching this detrimental, de-mobilizing state, I recognized how crucial it was to be in balance. I began to practice sustainable habits, such as 5-minute self-care routines, in order to build a foundation that honored my essential needs. This helped reduce stress and overwhelm, while increasing my ability to stay focused and motivated. As a result, I was able to achieve greater success, while maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle. 

If you have the mindset that you’re too busy to practice self-care, give yourself the gift of 5-minute self-care practices throughout the day and notice the surprising benefits to your well-being. You’ll be able to sustain great success without sacrificing life balance.

Self-Care In 5 Minutes Or Less 

Put Your Feet Up

Put down your phone and avoid distractions. Enjoy 5 minutes of rest with your feet up to reset your day. This improves circulation and recharges the body.

Focus On Your Breath

The simple act of mindful breathing can help you reconnect and focus your thoughts. A breath can invite self-awareness and calm the body. Count your inhales and exhales, noticing where the breath moves within your body. If you combine mindful breathing with other self-care practices, it helps release stress more quickly and enhances relaxation.

State Affirmations Aloud

Remind yourself how amazing you are by taking 5 minutes to state affirmations such as, “I am worthy of receiving love and care” and “I love the person that I am”. Speaking affirmations aloud is a great way to boost your confidence and improve your mental health.

Have A Laugh

It may not be easy to laugh on cue. However, you can evoke laughter by watching a 5-minute clip of your favorite comedian or funny animal videos. You could also contemplate a memory of a funny moment you shared with a friend or connect with a loved one who brings a smile to your face. Laughter instantly improves your mood and is a great way to care for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.  

Tidy Your Environment

Your environment is an extension of your Self. When you care for your space, it’s also an act of self-care. Take 5 minutes to organize clutter, water your plants, or dust a few shelves. This can brighten your space and your day. 

Enjoy A Hot Drink

Calm your senses and warm your soul with a hot mug of tea, coffee, or lemon water. Ingesting warm liquids boosts your energy while giving you a sense of comfort. This is healing for the mind, body, and spirit. 

Write In A Journal

Writing down what’s present in your mind helps you check in with your emotions. In addition, journaling harmonizes your subconscious and conscious thoughts. This is a great way to improve your spiritual health and connect with your higher Self.  

Make A Gratitude List

Keep an ongoing gratitude list, so you can appreciate all the good you have in your life. This list will instantly remind you of all your blessings and provide a healthy mindset, giving you a feeling of greater joy and improving your well-being. 

Stretch Your Limbs

Create spaciousness in your body and relieve tension with 5 minutes of stretching. Tension is stored throughout the body, and particularly in your shoulders, neck, and back. A gentle stretch loosens tension by creating space and movement in the body. This is great for reducing stress and improving your physical health.  

Practice A Mini-Meditation

A short meditation can be as powerful as a longer meditative practice. During your mini-meditation, you could also chant a mantra or use a touchstone to help you stay focused and mindful. Meditation helps reset your thoughts, which can reduce stress and improve mental health. 

Play Your Favorite Song

Music is a great way to lift your mood and bring relaxation. Whether you choose to dance to the music or not, it can help you disconnect from stress and reconnect with the present moment. Listening to a favorite song is a great way to care for your physical, mental, and spiritual health. 

Walk Around The Block

Take a walk around the block, in your garden, or to the mailbox and back. Moving your body, even just shaking out your legs for 5 minutes, is an act of physical self-care. When your blood flows better, your mood improves. This is also great for your mental and spiritual well-being.  

Refresh With Water

Drink a glass of water, splash cold water on your face, or rinse off in the shower. Water refreshes your senses and boosts your energy. This can keep you focused and motivated throughout your day. 

Routinely practice 5 minutes of self-care to improve and maintain your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Get started with 5-minute self-care practices and enjoy a balanced life of success, without sacrificing your well-being.

Recognize & Release Patterns That Undermine Self-Love

Do you engage in behaviors that don’t truly serve you? 

These behaviors can bring momentary comfort. However, they may also lead to self-sabotaging patterns that negatively affect how you view yourself. As an example, eating junk food regularly can lead to poor physical health. This can make you feel less confident in your appearance, and induce stress, anxiety, and negative self-talk, which can undermine your capacity for self-love.

At the root of self-sabotaging behaviors are conditioned programming and limiting beliefs. Conditioned programming is the result of your learning from past experiences. When you are conditioned to think a certain way, it can be difficult to break out of that programming and form new habits. Limiting beliefs are similar in that they can be based on past experiences or on learned beliefs. These beliefs can keep you from seeing your potential and cause you to create a cycle of negative thinking and behavior, which can impede self-love.

In order to break out of the cycle of self-sabotaging habits, it is important to identify the underlying causes of these behaviors. For example, if stress is the cause, then it is important to address the stressors in your life (e.g., through therapy, lifestyle changes, etc.) and to develop coping skills to manage stress in healthier ways. Additionally, it is important to challenge any negative or limiting beliefs that may be perpetuating the cycle of self-sabotaging habits. As you release these patterns and develop healthier habits, you experience greater self-love.

My 5 Facets of Self-Love can enhance your quality of life by helping you challenge behavior patterns that undermine your capacity to love your Self on a deeper level. 


5 Facets of Self-Love


Prioritize your mind, body, and soul with self-care. Self-care can be any activity where you put aside time to demonstrate the love you have for yourself. 

Neglecting self-care can lead to detrimental habits such as overworking or even procrastination. This can cause overwhelm, a hard time focusing, difficulty sleeping, frustration and irritability, and burnout.

When you practice self-care, you acknowledge that your mind, body, and soul need time to rest and recharge. You can reduce anxiety, improve your mood, and stay motivated by exercising, meditating, lying quietly, or enjoying a day of adventure. Self-care enables you to avoid unhealthy behavior patterns while demonstrating a greater love for yourself.


We are all designed as perfectly imperfect. Self-acceptance is being able to see yourself and your imperfections as perfect. Choose to accept all that you are by letting go of self-judgment. Love yourself unconditionally, despite perceived mistakes or failures.

Practicing self-acceptance enables you to release past regrets and struggles, be fully present in the moment, and love yourself no matter what. Allow yourself to let go of the idea that you need to be perfect in order to be loved. 

Celebrate your achievements – big and small – and focus on gratitude for all that you have. 


Your self-worth has a deep impact on your motivation and how you make choices in life. 

When you do not value your worth, habits like negative self-talk can develop. Words, like anything, carry energy and vibration. When you speak negatively to yourself, you not only lower your vibration, but the quality and quantity of what you receive in life. 

Know that you are of value, you are loveable, and you are a gift to the world. Engage in daily positive self-talk and be aware of negative thoughts that enter your mind. When you change your mindset and know your worth, you tap into your highest potential.  


Embracing self-preservation protects you from harm, allowing you to honor your needs and heal. 

Conversely, when you lack boundaries in relationships or say yes when you really mean no, you can become depleted & drained. These are examples of insufficient self-preservation.

It’s crucial to set boundaries and say no, because it protects you from feeling resentful, annoyed, or frustrated. When you practice self-preservation, you recognize your limits and invite deeper self-love. 


Self-advocacy is the act of communicating what you need. It’s speaking up for yourself, asking for what you desire, and requesting support when you need it. 

Most people are unable to read your mind. Failing to advocate for yourself can leave you overwhelmed, frustrated, and resentful of others. 

Instead of struggling with the weight of the world on your shoulders, ask for assistance. Know that you’re loved and supported by others and can request help when needed. Have the confidence to ask for what you desire. Start by connecting with what you desire most through meditation and journaling.

Use the 5 Facets of Self-Love to break free from habits that don’t serve you and tap into a deeper love for your authentic Self. These tools can help you let go of old programming and limiting beliefs and embrace greater self-love and personal fulfillment. 


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