“All forms of becoming require spaciousness in one way or another; mental space that allows the mind to expand, emotional space for feeling to flower, and physical space in which to move.” ― Dana Hutton

When you place a young plant in a pot, it can grow no bigger than the pot. The more spacious the pot, the greater the plant can expand and grow. As the plant grows larger in size, its ability to produce flowers or fruit increases. 

In my last article, Spaciousness: Your Antidote To Tension, I spoke about how movement of your body creates spaciousness. Now, think of your mind as if it were a plant; it needs space to expand and bear the fruit of possibilities. 

Creating space in your mind starts with letting go of overactive thoughts such as doubt, worry, fear, or stress. Let’s look at how you can clear your mind of busy thoughts about the past or future and focus on the present instead.

4 ways to invite spaciousness to the mind: 

Let go

Unhealthy emotions can take up a lot of space in the mind. Whether you’re stuck in sadness and grieving, anger or resentment, holding onto the past can limit your mind from expanding and even cause your body harm. Yes, it’s important to allow yourself time to acknowledge your emotions, however it’s also essential to be mindful of your wellbeing. Allow yourself to engage in practices that give your mind room to grow. 

You can let go of unhealthy emotions and move on from unchangeable events of the past by practicing forgiveness. As well, focus on the present and things you can control. See my previous article, Spaciousness: Your Antidote To Tension, for other ways to release negative emotions.   

Welcome stillness

It’s a challenge to welcome stillness in a world that moves so fast. Women with Type A personalities tend to fill their time with tasks. If you’re lucky enough to find yourself with a break during the day, consider it a blessing. It’s in these moments of stillness that your mind can cultivate creativity and explore realms that your everyday busy mind wouldn’t. 

When a moment of stillness arises, sit with it. Breathe and take notice of the elements around you – what you see, hear, or feel. Become more aware of these moments of stillness and embrace them. They could be common everyday occurrences, such as eating lunch by yourself, weeding your garden, or vacuuming your home. The spaciousness that comes with a still mind is an opportunity for mental expansion. 


How accepting are you of new ideas or changes in your life? Whether you welcome something new into your life or release what no longer serves you, you open up space for greater possibilities. Try something different or accept a life change, such as a new career, moving to a different city, or ending an unhealthy relationship. Acceptance of that which life brings, while maintaining an optimistic outlook, can open up possibilities that attract greater growth and opportunity. 


As a high-achieving woman, you may experience a sense of urgency to respond immediately when faced with an unwelcome situation. Moving at a fast pace doesn’t mean you’re most effective. Practicing patience can help you make better choices. 

When you allow yourself to pause before responding, you have time to evaluate your emotional state and give your mind space to consider greater possible options. Patience gives your mind the spaciousness it needs to expand your opportunities. 

Spaciousness gives your mind the ability to focus, expand, and discover alternatives that present new and exciting opportunities in your life. Practice creating spaciousness and expansion in your mind to enjoy more of life’s opportunities!

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