Awaken Your Potential: The Evolving Stages of a Spiritual Awakening

Have you been experiencing an urge to reevaluate your beliefs or reprioritize your life?

Are you searching for something, but you’re not sure what?

Do you crave more meaning and purpose?

You could be experiencing a spiritual awakening. 

Simply stated, a spiritual awakening signifies the start of your journey on a spiritual path. It can be described as a profound shift in consciousness that expands your worldview and mindset. You are waking up from ego-centered life and questioning previously held beliefs, habits, and societal norms that don’t serve your highest good. It’s the difference between being on auto-pilot versus being fully aware of your course. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about spiritual awakening:

Why am I having a spiritual awakening? In a nutshell, your soul decided you were ready to wake up. Your soul has been evolving and expanding, and it’s time for you to reconnect with your true nature.

What activates a spiritual awakening? It can be triggered by many things and happen at any time of your life. Spiritual awakenings can be spontaneous or they can be caused by life-changing events, such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness, a divorce, a car crash, or a myriad of other things.

What are the benefits of a spiritual awakening? An awakening brings a better understanding of yourself and how you are connected with others and the universe. You begin to realize that true fulfillment and happiness can’t come from outside you and that it’s found within. You perceive the human experience in a whole new way, craving a more meaningful existence that makes you feel whole. As you learn how to activate your innate power and accept what is, you discover greater flow and increased joy, grace, and wisdom. Life becomes easier. 

How long does a spiritual awakening last? Spiritual awakening is not a destination; it is a life-long journey. The process is complex and varies for each individual, ranging from calm to chaotic in intensity.

What does a spiritual awakening look like? There are 7 stages of spiritual awakening. It’s important to note that this is not a linear process that moves from A to Z. It is quite common to move back and forth between the stages. As well, you will most likely experience periods of ebb and flow in your evolution.  


The Evolving Stages Of Spiritual Awakening

Stage 1: Feeling Lost

You experience confusion, disconnection, and unhappiness with your life. Nothing makes sense. You no longer feel like you. There’s an emptiness, like something is missing within you. It may seem as if a rug has been pulled out from underneath you. 

Stage 2: Shifting Perspectives

As you become more awake and aware, you begin to perceive life, society, and the world in a different way. What was once accepted without question is critically examined. You see through the illusions and realize that many of your values and beliefs are inherited from other people. This period can be unsettling, as it challenges the foundations of your identity.

Stage 3: Seeking

You start asking questions like: “Who am I?”, “What’s the meaning of life?”, and “What is my purpose?” As a result, you begin to look at metaphysical and personal development resources for answers. You desire to be alone, possibly losing touch with friends and family as you become more introspective. 

Stage 4: Finding

Through soul searching, you find teachers and practices that resonate with you. Your desire for truth and authenticity leads to the dissolution of old patterns that no longer serve you. You have glimpses of who you truly are. 

Stage 5: Disillusionment

You become tired of the teachers and practices that once spoke to you and look for something deeper. If you had the experience of connection with the Divine, it can be normal to be separated again during this stage. However, your craving for deep connection and spiritual transformation motivates you to go in search of more.

Stage 6: Inner Work

Your desire to deeply understand who you are is the impetus for you to seriously dive into inner work and soul work. You may immerse yourself in practices that call to you, like mindfulness, meditation, shadow work, inner child work, and other metaphysical modalities. 

Stage 7: Integration

You consciously apply the spiritual lessons you’ve learned, from your inner and soul work, into your daily life. This is where you experience the most lasting transformation. You’ll feel greater depths of connection, peace, joy, love, and alignment with all there is. And you may desire to use this wisdom to help others. 


Tools & Practices to Aid Your Journey

Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation is the cornerstone of many spiritual practices. By quieting the mind, you can tap into deeper levels of consciousness and understanding. Mindfulness or focusing on the present moment, helps ground you, calm your thoughts, and cultivate a balanced perspective.

Journaling & Expressive Art

Documenting your spiritual journey can be therapeutic. Journaling offers a way to process and reflect. Expressive art acts as a medium to convey complex emotions and insights, which can help bridge the gap between your soul and the external world.

Spiritual Guides & Healing

Seeking guidance from spiritual teachers or healers can be invaluable. Whether it’s through literature, seminars, or one-on-one sessions, their wisdom can offer clarity and direction during the ongoing journey of your spiritual awakening. 


My Experience With Spiritual Awakening

My spiritual awakening was activated by just about every life-changing event that I mentioned above. It began to unfold between July 1994 and August 1996. Over the course of two years, I experienced the loss of two friends to cancer, the mugging and death of my father, a move from New York to Florida, the selling of my successful financial planning business to partner in a new company, the dissolution of the new company, a new job, a divorce, and a car crash that triggered fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and post-traumatic stress. 

If you’ve seen The Matrix, like Neo I was offered both the blue pill and the red pill. If I had taken the blue pill, I would have remained asleep and unaware. Instead, I chose the red pill and spiritual awakening. Looking back at my Dark Night of the Soul experience, I will admit that it’s not a journey for the faint of heart. 

Since that time, I have experienced all seven stages of spiritual awakening more than once. As I mentioned above, this is not a linear process and so I move back and forth between the stages multiple times. There were also periods of ebb and flow in my evolution. Sometimes, I took two steps forward and one step back; other times, one step forward and two steps back. 

Yet, it was all worth it! Going through the process of spiritual awakening is unlike anything I could have imagined. I would never have thought that my spiritual journey would include becoming a certified life coach, certified master coach and assistant trainer of Accelerated Evolution, a spiritual counselor, and a doctor of metaphysics. My spiritual awakening has been deeply profound, and I would do it all over again…except, now I have the tools to do it more quickly and less painfully.

Are you having your own spiritual awakening, on the verge of experiencing an awakening, or desiring to experience an awakening? If you would like some insight, support, and guidance along the way, click here and request a complimentary discovery session.  

Welcome the call of your soul. Embrace each stage, tool, and insight of awakening, knowing they’re guiding you towards your most authentic self.

Seize Your Day: Your Ideal Times for Self-Awareness Practice

Why is timing relevant in your self-awareness practice?

Every individual has their own intrinsic cycles, inherent pace, and innate rhythms. These rhythms are a series of bodily functions that work in roughly 24-hour cycles and are regulated by your internal clock. They control patterns like sleep, body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, hormonal secretions, and more. 

Throughout each day, you naturally experience shifts from heightened to lower awareness levels. ⁣Understanding this and respecting your internal clock can help you establish a healthy sleep routine, regulate metabolism, boost overall well-being, enhance self-awareness, and optimize productivity.⁣

Since self-awareness is affected by your natural rhythm and the demands of daily life, your mental state is deeply influenced by the time of day, your schedule, and your environment. The beauty of self-awareness practices is that they are flexible. So making the time, whether five minutes or an hour, to weave these practices into your schedule can profoundly elevate your life. 

By syncing your awareness exercises with your natural rhythms, you acknowledge your humanity, honor your unique needs and potential, and harness your innate wisdom and creativity. For instance, morning hours may provide freshness and clarity, while the afternoon might require effort to focus. Evening, on the other hand, could be an ideal time for deep contemplation.

Recognizing your optimal times for self-awareness practices isn’t merely about sustaining your well-being; it’s an asset for leveraging your potential. The balance you receive from incorporating these practices throughout the day can enhance your relationships, career, and overall happiness.


Morning Practices: Wake Up With Awareness


Morning, with its freshness and promise of a new day, is an excellent time for introspection. Set a positive tone for the day with a routine that includes gratitude journaling or mindfulness meditation.

Practical Tips

Simplicity is key. Start with a five-minute meditation or jot down dreams and goals. This can make a huge difference in your perspective as you head into the day. Make the creation of a peaceful environment a priority, same as if you were brushing your teeth.


Afternoon Routines: Find Peace In The Hustle

Breaks for Conscious Awareness

Afternoon slumps are real. Take breaks to refocus your awareness and re-energize. Regular breaks not only combat afternoon fatigue, they provide greater clarity for enhanced productivity and well-being throughout the day. 

Simple Exercises

Mindful breathwork or a quick walk are powerful ways to encourage self-awareness during an afternoon low. Mindful breathing allows you to center, focus on the present moment, and calm your mind. Even a few minutes of deep, conscious breathing can revive your energy and concentration. Likewise, a quick walk, especially if it’s outdoors, can awaken the senses and provide a much-needed change of scenery.


Evening Self-Awareness: The Calm After The Storm


As the day winds down, the quiet of the evening offers a golden opportunity for self-reflection. Nighttime is an ideal time to evaluate, contemplate, unwind, and acknowledge what you’re grateful for. Fostering gratitude and a deeper understanding of yourself allows for a peaceful transition into slumber and improves your sleep quality.


Practice mindful movements, journaling, conscious appreciation, or inspirational reading. Establishing a calming nighttime routine aids in reducing stress and creates a nurturing environment for self-awareness.


Challenges on the Path to Self-Awareness

Overcome Distractions

Your world is filled with distractions, so it’s vital to create a sanctuary for self-awareness practices. Your sanctuary, whether a physical space or a time dedicated to be free from interruptions, allows you to disconnect from the chaos and connect with your inner self. By cultivating an environment where reflection and introspection can thrive, you’re investing in your mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall personal growth. 

Embrace Your Emotions

It’s normal to experience emotions during self-awareness practices. Choosing to embrace, rather than avoid, these feelings can deepen your understanding of self. Mindfulness techniques and the support of professional guidance can be helpful in navigating emotions that surface during these practices. 

Harness the power of time to enhance your self-awareness practice and shift your perspective in profound ways. Recognizing the ideal moments for self-reflection and the tools or strategies that work best for you can lead you on a more mindful journey towards a richer, more fulfilling existence. The valuable rewards that you glean from these self-awareness practices include daily doses of clarity, peace, and joy.

For tips on how to benefit from journaling as a self-awareness tool, click here to claim your free gift: 7-Day Journaling Starter Kit. 

Remember, the journey of self-awareness is uniquely yours. Embrace it, honor your needs, and seize your full potential.

Reveal Your Greatest Potential: Activate Your Self-Awareness

“Resting in Awareness, we transform all the ‘stuff’ of our lives.” ~ Ram Dass

What is self-awareness? And why is it important?

Briefly, self-awareness is the ability to recognize your emotional shifts, pinpoint your triggers, and view situations from another person’s perspective. A benefit of being conscious of your emotions and triggers is that it’s the first step in being able to regulate them, thus allowing you to respond more intentionally in the future. The advantage of seeing things from another person’s point of view is reduced conflict and more meaningful relationships.

According to New York Times best-selling author and leadership guru Tasha Eurich, 95 percent of people believe they are self-aware, but only 10–15% of people actually possess this skill. This means that they do not know who they are, how others perceive them, or the bigger role they are meant to fulfill in the world. Thankfully, self-awareness is a skill that can be developed. 

There are two main types of self-awareness: internal and external. Both are essential for transforming your unwanted habits, routines, impulses, and reactions to more desirable behaviors. Internal self-awareness is the cognizance of your values, thoughts, and emotions. External self-awareness is the understanding of how you’re viewed by others. 

Self-awareness, both internal and external, is foundational for revealing your full potential. When you can embody self-awareness, you have a more holistic understanding of yourself and how you fit in the world.

Types of Self-Awareness

Internal Self-Awareness

Internal self-awareness refers to an inner understanding of your values, thoughts, passions, motivations, needs, emotional triggers, behaviors, and affect on others. If your internal self-awareness is high, then you tend to make choices that are in alignment with who you truly are. This means that you’ll enjoy a more fulfilling life. On the other hand, if your internal self-awareness is low, you may choose actions that result in undesirable outcomes. For example, enduring an incompatible job or relationship because you’re unsure of what you really want. 

External Self-Awareness

External self-awareness concerns your consciousness around how others perceive you. When your external self-awareness is high, you can accurately see yourself from the point of view of another person. This enables you to build more solid and fulfilling relationships. However, if your external self-awareness is low, there can be a disconnect between how you think you come across to others and how you are actually seen. For example, your colleagues might misconstrue your stress-induced assertiveness as intimidation. 

Reveal Your Greatest Potential 

Having insight into the types of self-awareness—internal and external—helps unlock the door to a deeper understanding of yourself and can reveal your greatest potential. This can powerfully transform your personal and professional development journey.

Encourage Internal Self-Awareness

Activating your internal self-awareness allows you to better manage yourself. This can lead to better outcomes and increased opportunities.

Introspection is a great way to uncover new gifts and passions. These discoveries may direct you to more significant challenges and opportunities, such as a more fulfilling career path. Introspection assists you in recognizing unwanted emotional patterns and managing your responses more effectively. This can help turn potential conflicts into opportunities for understanding and collaboration.

To encourage internal self-awareness, turn to introspective practices like mindfulness, meditation, or journaling. As you consistently tune into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without judgment, you’ll discover patterns and illuminate insights that can transform your evolutionary experience.

Cultivate External Self-Awareness

External self-awareness complements your internal understanding by offering insights into how you’re perceived by others. This awareness can reveal blind spots in your self-perception and lead to valuable personal and professional growth. 

Actively seeking feedback and being open to critique is essential for cultivating external self-awareness. For instance, you may think of yourself as a competent communicator, but feedback from colleagues might disclose that you have a tendency to monopolize conversations or disregard differing viewpoints. Such constructive input can point out areas of improvement and potential, which will effectively facilitate growth in your interpersonal and professional skills.

Together, internal and external self-awareness can “transform all the ‘stuff’ of” your life to reveal your greatest potential. Internal self-awareness allows you to align your actions with your values and passions, while external self-awareness helps ensure your adaptability to thrive in almost any situation.

Finding a balance of internal and external self-awareness will ideally allow you to see yourself as others perceive you. Those who master this skill are more creative, confident, successful, and fulfilled. They enjoy better relationships, garner greater respect, and are more effective and higher earning leaders. 

For assistance with activating your greatest potential, click here and claim your free Core Values Assessment: Aligning Your Core Values To Your Authentic Self.

Cultivate Your Self-Worth To Manifest Your Desired Reality

Is there an area of your life where you feel unempowered or unfulfilled? 

Perhaps your relationships are suffering because you’re buried in work. Or maybe you’ve lost interest in your career yet are hesitant to pursue what you’re truly passionate about.  

Here’s the thing—you have the power to consciously create your reality and embrace a life that brings you unimaginable joy. 

What does it mean to consciously create your reality? 

It refers to your unlimited potential to deliberately and intentionally manifest the life of your dreams. And at the heart of every dream life lies a defined sense of self-worth. Research has established that how you feel about yourself impacts your experiences, choices, and relationships. Nurturing your self-worth strengthens your belief in your gifts, abilities, and talents. It also bolsters your openness to the infinite possibilities and opportunities at hand for shaping your circumstances. 

As you embrace the power within, your thoughts, feelings, and actions come into alignment with your values, passions, and purpose. This creates a resonating vibration that sets the stage for you to attract and manifest your dreams into reality. 

To fully leverage your power of manifestation, it’s valuable to understand how your self-worth plays a role. In addition, see how you can strengthen your self-worth to create your desired reality.


The Role Of Self-Worth In Manifestation 


Law of Attraction

The basic concept behind the Law of Attraction is that your energetic frequency – or vibration – attracts your reality. Simply stated, energetic similarities magnetize. The energy you project through your thoughts and emotions emits a specific frequency into the universe. As a response, the universe orchestrates conditions that mirror this energetic frequency, affirming the principle of “like attracts like”. For instance, when you feel worthy of a joyful life, you attract circumstances that bring joy. 

Cognitive-Behavioral Theory

This psychological theory highlights the relationship between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By altering your thought patterns, you can change how you feel and behave. When you cultivate a strong sense of self-worth, your thoughts and feelings can align with behaviors that are more likely to result in desired outcomes. 

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can encourage your awareness of the present moment and gratitude for your blessings. Being fully present with the reality of “what is” broadens your capacity to acknowledge and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment, thus boosting your self-worth. This can increase your energetic vibration so it’s more conducive to manifesting your desires.

Visualization and Affirmations

Visualization is seeing your desired reality in your mind’s eye while experiencing it with all your senses as if it is happening right now. Affirmations are positive statements you say about yourself in the present tense while feeling the emotion within. Both these practices, when done consistently, can reinforce self-worth and help attract your desired outcomes.


Strengthen Self-Worth To Create Your Desired Reality



Self-awareness is the first step in strengthening self-worth. It involves being still and going inward to fully experience and recognize your thoughts, emotions, and perceived strengths and weaknesses. Through self-awareness, you can gain clarity about any limiting beliefs that undermine your self-worth and impede your ability to manifest your desired reality.

Identify Desired Changes

Once you cultivate greater self-awareness, pinpoint the changes you wish to see in your life. This involves setting clear and realistic goals that align with your values, passions, and purpose.

Alter Thought Patterns

You have the innate ability to alter unwelcome thought patterns and replace them with desirable ones. If you find this challenging, look into Accelerated Evolution (AE), a cutting-edge modality that eliminates almost ANY non-serving belief fast, fully, and permanently. 

AE is a synthesis of the most highly effective methods from modern therapy, cognitive research, human potential, and perennial wisdom. This powerful transformational methodology removes your inner resistance in the moment to dissolve your emotional and mental blocks, make peace with your past, clear the path to easily attain your goals, and create more freedom than ever experienced before.

Visualization and Affirmations

As previously mentioned, these practices can solidify your self-worth and accelerate the manifestation process. The key is to make them part of your daily routine and embody your experience in the present moment. 

Take Action

Manifesting your desired reality is not merely about thinking and feeling; it involves taking concrete steps towards your goals. When guided by a strong sense of self-worth, your actions will unfold with confidence and ease.  

Patience, Consistency, and Support

Understand that the process takes time. Patience and consistency are key to maintaining the right mindset and a supportive partner can help you persevere through challenges. Strengthening your self-worth helps sustain you on the journey, even when things seem unclear. 

Embracing self-worth is key to manifesting your dream life. Consciously create your desired reality through self-awareness, altering your thought patterns, visualization, affirmations, action, patience, consistency, and support. Click here to contact me.

You’re worthy of your dreams. Click here to claim your free Visualization Guide: 8 Steps To Realizing The Life You Desire and turn your dreams into reality.

10 Practices for Boosting Self-Worth

“Over the years, I’ve interviewed thousands of people, most of them women, and I would say that the root of every dysfunction I’ve ever encountered, every problem, has been some sense of a lacking of self-value or of self-worth.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Self-worth refers to the value, significance, and inherent sense of worth that you attribute to yourself. It is often confused with self-esteem, which is your overall evaluation and opinion of yourself. The difference between the two is that your self-worth is defined independent of external factors such as achievements, possessions, or social status, whereas self-esteem can be influenced by external factors, such as success or failure in specific areas of life. In other words, self-worth is more about recognizing and acknowledging your intrinsic value as a human being.

Your sense of self-worth influences your thoughts, emotions, and actions, therefore playing a significant role in your well-being, resilience, and overall satisfaction in life. It empowers you to set healthy boundaries, strive for your dreams, and navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence. 

You may be aware that your perceived value is strong in certain areas of your life, yet suffers in other areas. A balanced sense of self-worth requires constant nurturing and reinforcement, which includes self-reflection, self-acceptance, and the cultivation of self-care habits. The key is to intentionally engage in daily sacred acts that hold meaning and contribute to your well-being. From the moment you wake up until you retreat to bed, these acts set the tone for your day and reinforce a well-rounded sense of value.

These regular practices also allow you to forge a deeper connection with your true self, including your abilities, strengths, and potential to expand beyond your current level of success. Cultivating such practices equips you with greater insight for navigating through the many adventures that life brings. With heightened insight comes greater self-worth, joy, and ease on your journey.

10 Practices for Boosting Self-Worth

Meditation or Quiet Contemplation

Regular meditation or any other version of silent contemplation, cultivates a heightened self-awareness, promoting introspection and personal growth. Fostering inner peace strengthens your understanding and acceptance of yourself. This, in turn, reinforces your self-worth by reminding you of your inherent value irrespective of external circumstances.

Self-Reflection and Journaling

Reflection on your experiences and emotions forms a more balanced perspective of who you are. It allows you to unpack your thoughts, feelings, and actions, so you can understand and accept yourself more deeply. Nourishing a harmonious relationship with your inner self also promotes a stronger, more balanced sense of self-worth, providing a steady platform for personal growth.

Mindful Morning Routine

Start your day with intention. Mindfulness brings your attention to the present and reminds you of the value of each moment. A mindful morning routine could include simple tasks, such as making your bed, preparing a healthy breakfast, or enjoying a quiet cup of coffee. When you’re fully present to the value of what is, you can more deeply connect with and appreciate your own worth. 

Positive Affirmations

Recite empowering statements that remind you of your worth. As you do this, it’s essential for you to feel the emotion attached to each statement. Positive affirmations, specifically spoken in the present tense, can enhance your sense of self-worth and combat negative thoughts. Here are a few examples of affirmations that can enable you to approach adversity with a stronger, more positive mindset: “I am valued for exactly who I am”, “I am full of energy and optimism”, and “I am worthy of love and respect”. 

Exercise and Physical Well-being

Consider incorporating exercise as a daily practice. It can provide a greater sense of balance and worthiness in all aspects of your being. Regular physical activity boosts endorphins, leading to a positive body image and improved mood. It also fosters discipline and resilience, key components of self-worth.

Practicing Gratitude

When you take time to reflect on what you’re thankful for, it naturally cultivates a positive mindset and a greater sense of fulfillment. By expressing gratitude for your successes, no matter how small, you’ll experience an uplifting shift in perspective. This enhanced mindset boosts your overall self-worth.

Nurturing Social Connections

Social interactions bring balance to life. Prioritize cultivating affirmative relationships. If any relationship causes you to feel undervalued, speak up or find new connections with those who encourage you. Engaging with friends, family, and community fosters a sense of belonging and can boost your self-worth. 

Setting and Achieving Small Goals

If your worthiness suffers in any area – love, career, or lifestyle – start with a small goal to build your sense of worth. By completing a manageable task, you give yourself a quick win, bolstering your confidence and establishing a pattern of success. Each accomplished goal reinforces your belief in your capacity, enhancing your overall sense of self-worth. 

Engaging in Creative Activities

Whether painting, cooking, writing, or gardening, creative expression allows you to explore new passions and skills that can help build your self-worth. Creativity also helps unravel existing regimens that cause imbalance. Discovering new aptitudes expands your sense of worth and balances your overall lifestyle. 

Continuous Learning

When you acquire new skills or knowledge, you challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and grow. This not only builds confidence, it broadens your worldview. Every skill mastered or piece of knowledge gained is a testament to your abilities and increases your potential for greater life balance and enhanced self-worth. 

Tips for Creating Your Personalized Practice

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all way to do anything. So, tailor your practice to reflect your unique lifestyle, values, and goals. First, consider how the practices above might fit into your day. Would morning meditation help you center yourself before the workday begins? Could setting small, achievable goals provide a desired confidence boost? Consider your unique needs and circumstances as you explore these practices. Then integrate what works for you into your day.

Remember that consistency is key. It may be tempting to overhaul your entire routine at once, but it’s more effective to introduce new practices gradually. Start with one or two new practices, be consistent, and notice the impact they have on your self-worth.

Embrace flexibility. Life is unpredictable, and it’s okay if your routine changes as your needs and circumstances evolve. The goal isn’t perfection; it’s cultivating daily practices that enhance your sense of self-worth and improve your overall well-being.

Finally, be patient and compassionate with yourself. Building self-worth is a journey, not a destination. Celebrate your progress, and remember that every small step you take towards nurturing your self-worth is an act of self-love. 

Click here to claim 23 Of My Favorite Activities That Take Less Than 15 Minutes and can boost your self-worth. Wishing you enhanced balance and success in your life! 

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